Winter 2019/Pasadena
DESCRIPTION: This class is a study of the content, literary qualities and theology of the book of the Prophet Isaiah considering its historical, political and religious background. Special consideration will be given to understanding the biblical text on its own terms and contexts, and to reading and interpreting it for contemporary Hispanic and general audiences. Attention will be given to critical tools, methodology, language, genre, the effect of culture, the person of the interpreter and the movement from interpretation to proclamation. The professor will reflect on the book’s Hebrew as part of the hermeneutical process.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Having successfully completed this course, students will have demonstrated that they (1)have readthe bookcarefully and are familiar with its contents, themes and theology;(2) can interpret passages within it in their own right and in their socio-historical, literary, canonical and theological contexts; (3) have identified central issues in the critical study of it; (4) can articulate its primary theological, pedagogical and ethical concerns; (5) can use Spanish-based tools for interpreting it;(6) can recognize hermeneutical issues arising from the diverse contexts of contemporary readers;and (7) can interpret it faithfully and creatively in the context of their congregation, of the contemporary world and of their own lives.
COURSE FORMAT: The class meets on four Saturdays for a total of 30 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 10 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours. These meetings will give the students the opportunity to interact with each other and with the professor. Students are also required to interact with the material through reading and completing the assignments that promote active learning.
REQUIRED READING: 1,050 pp. of required reading.
Isaiah in a modern Spanish such as: NTV, HDD, LPD, BJ. [100 pp.]
Asurmendi, Jesús M. Isaías 1-39. 2da Edición. Editorial Verbo Divino, 1981. ISBN: 978-8471512338, Pub. Price 6.73€ [60 pp.]
Marconcini, Benito. El Libro de Isaías (40-66). Editorial Nueva Ciudad, 2006. ISBN: 978-8489651623, Pub. Price 7.00€ [232 pp.]
Pagán, Samuel. Tres Meses en la Escuela de Isaías. Abingdon Press, 2000. ISBN: 978-0687085651. Pub. Price $11.99 [176 pp.]
Ramis Darder, Francesc. Isaías 1-39: Comentarios a la Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén. Desclée De Brower, 2006. ISBN: 978-8433020994. Price 18.27€ [339 pp.]
Wiener, Claude. El Segundo Isaías: El Profeta del Nuevo Éxodo. 2da Edición. Editorial Verbo Divino, 1980. ISBN:9788471512284. Pub. Price 6.65€ [53 pp.]
Other assigned reading sections from Encyclopedia, Bible Dictionaries, etc. [90 pp.]
RECOMMENDED READING: A complete list of recommended reading will be included with the syllabus.
Marconcini, Benito.El Libro de Isaías (1-39). Editorial Nueva Ciudad, 2006. ISBN: 978-8425418990, Pub. Price 7.00€ [184 pp.]
Ramis Darder, Francesc. Isaías 40-66: Comentarios a la Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén. Desclée De Brower, 2006. ISBN: 978-8433022691. Price 20.90€ [364 pp.]
PREREQUISITES: BI500 or NE502; OT500 or OT501 or OT502.
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Counts as a biblical elective for the 120 MDiv, 80 MAT, and 80 MATM Programs (Fall 2015). Meets the OTBK requirement for the MAT Program (Winter 2010).