Fall 2017/Pasadena



WS540/840: THE HISTORY OF WORSHIP AND PREACHING (PhD: 6 Units: 380 hours) (Master’s: 4 Units: 162 hours). Dr. Michael Pasquarello.

DESCRIPTION: This seminar explores the history of Christian Worship and Preaching at the doctoral level. Attention is given to particular figures, trends, movements, theories, and methods within a larger narrative of religious, social, cultural, and religious continuity and change. This historical survey will introduce the interdisciplinary methods of reconstructing and interpreting the events of worship and preaching through the history of the church. This seminar is open to Master’s level students with the permission of the instructor.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: In completing this course the student will have (1) demonstrated knowledge of the history of worship and preaching globally and ecumenically in terms of continuity and change; (2) demonstrated an understanding of general trends and movements with worship and preaching over time, as well as identify, compare, and contrast crucial figures, movements, and events in the history of worship and preaching and their relevance to contemporary churches; (3) demonstrated skills in critically evaluating primary sources in worship and preaching and be able to critically evaluate them, both in their original context and in contemporary settings; (4) demonstrated capacities for developing strategies for teaching and learning the history of Christian worship and preaching appropriate to a variety of settings; and developed resources for teaching the history of worship and preaching as part of a larger course or as a stand-alone course.

COURSE FORMAT: The seminar will meet weekly for three-hour sessions. It will have some lectures by the professor, but will be mostly seminar presentations and discussions. Students will be expected—beyond assigned class readings—to do the necessary primary and secondary research for their presentations. The seminar will cover a broad range of the Christian traditions: East and West, ancient through contemporary, traditional and nontraditional

REQUIRED READING: WS840: 3010 pp. required/WS540: 914 pp. required.

Bradshaw, Paul. Eucharistic Origins. Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN: 978-0195217322, Pub. Price: $31.95. [WS840 only: 165 pp.].

Foley, Edward. From Age to Age: How Christians Have Celebrated the Eucharist, revised and expanded. Liturgical Press, 2008. ISBN: 978-0814630785, Pub. Price: $29.95. [WS840 only: 350 pp.].

McGowan, Andrew. Ancient Christian Worship. Baker Academic, 2014. ISBN: 978-0801097874, Pub. Price: $29.99. [WS540 & WS840: 260 pp.]

Edwards, O.C. Jr. A History of Preaching. Abingdon Press, 2014. ISBN: 978-1501833779, Pub. Price: $59.99. [WS840 only: 912 pp.]

Kienzle, Beverly Mayne and Walker, Pamela J. eds. Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1998. ISBN: 978-0520209220, Pub. Price: $34.95. [WS840 only: 344 pp.]

Lischer, Richard, ed. The Company of Preachers: Wisdom on Preaching, from Augustine to the Present. Eerdmans, 2002. ISBN: 978-08028460997, Pub. Price: $38.00. [WS840 & WS540: 300 pp. assigned].

Williams, Rowan. Why Study the Past? The Quest for the Historical Church. Eerdmans, 2005. ISBN: 978-0802829900, Pub. Price: $16.00. [WS840 & WS540: 114 pp.]

Course Reader (on eReserves) [WS840: 565 pp./WS540: 240 pp.]. Includes but is not limited to the following:

Brillioth, Yngve. Landmarks in the History of Preaching. SPCK, 1949. (rpr. 20pp.) [WS540 only]

Macy, Gary. Treasures from the Storeroom. Pueblo, 1999. ISBN: 978-0814660539, Pub. Price: $27.95. [WS840: 85 pp. assigned/WS540: 45 pp. assigned]

Maag, Karin and John Witvliet, eds. Worship in Medieval and Modern Europe. University of Notre Dame Press, 2004. ISBN: 978-0268034757, Pub. Price: $30.00. [WS840: 50 pp. assigned/WS540: 25 pp. assigned]

Pecklers, Keith. The Unread Vision. Liturgical Press, 1998. ISBN: 978-0814624500, Pub. Price: $37.95. [WS840 only: 150 pp. assigned]

Spinks, Bryan. The Worship Mall: Contemporary Responses to Contemporary Culture. Church Publishing, 2010. ISBN: 978-0898696752, Pub. Price: $28.00. [WS840 only: 60 pp.]

White, James. Protestant Worship: Traditions in Transition. Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989. ISBN: 978-0664250379, Pub. Price: $30.00. [WS840 only: 70 pp.]


  1. Completion of assigned readings, participation in our class discussions and attendance. (10% of grade)[WS840] [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1-5.] [195 hours]. [WS540, 85 hours]
  2. Three (300-600 word) papers reflecting on assigned readings. (10% of grade) [WS840] [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1-4.] [15 hours]. [WS540] Three (300 word) papers reflection on assigned readings. (10% of grade). [7.5 hours].
  3. A 1,250-1,500 word essay on the period of the early church (app. first six centuries) describing the form and source critical issues with a particular liturgical text. Students should include a description of the text, if not the entire text itself, a survey of the literature on this text, the importance of this text, and the form and source critical issues related to it. Or, a 1, 250 - 1,500 word essay on a particular sermon or sermons that critically addresses issues related to exegetical, theological, homiletical, and ecclesial/pastoral matters. Students should include a survey of literature that shows the importance of this particular preacher/sermon. [WS840] (10% of final grade. [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1-4.] [15 hours] [WS540] A 600 to 750 page essay that discusses an important example of worship or preaching from the period of the early church. The essay should show the importance of chosen topic in its historical context and describe significant characteristics for contemporary consideration. [7.5 hours].
  4. Either (a) an entire syllabus of a Preaching and/or Worship class (College or beyond); or, (b) a rough draft of the syllabus of a history class (College or beyond) with a detailed section(s) on the history of preaching and/or worship. In both cases you must include: learning outcomes, class topics, and readings. [WS840] (10% of grade) [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1-5.] [25 hours]. [WS540] Create a teaching document on worship and/or preaching for the adult education ministry of a particular congregation. Include a description of the congregation/tradition, an introduction, learning outcomes, and outline of topics. [12 hours].
  5. A 45 - 50 minute presentation to the class (including leading class discussion in response to their presentation) on a specific historical element or issue in worship and preaching within its larger ecclesial, social, political, and cultural framework. Students are expected to develop a handout to accompany their presentation. A worship presentation should address a particular liturgical figure, text, or movement, including a survey of the literature. In addition, if a liturgical text is chosen for the presentation, it should describe the importance of the text and the form and source issues related to it, and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. A preaching presentation should address a particular figure (s) sermon (s), or homiletical text (s). It should include a survey of the literature and importance of the particular figure, sermons, or text and a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. Doctoral students are expected to make evaluative comments on scholarly positions or school of thought concerning this text. (20% of grade) [WS840] [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1-4.] [60 hours]. [WS540] A 20 - 30 minute presentation to the class that chooses from the above options. The paper could be oriented to either an audience of pastors and worship leaders, or a group of worship/preaching students. [20 hours]
  6. A 20 page final paper in which the sacramental theology or homiletical theology of a particular historical figure is described and assessed according to the theological/philosophical integrity of their cosmology, the internal consistence of their thought; its compatibility with scripture and tradition, and its pastoral application within particular Christian traditions. (40% of grade) [WS840] [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1-4.] [70 hours]. [WS540] A 10 page final paper on a topic as described above. [30 hours].

PREREQUISITES: None for CATS students. Students taking this as a 500-level course require the permission of the instructor.

RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: A required course for all Worship and Preaching doctoral students. Is an elective course at the Master’s level.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.