Fall 2013/Pasadena



PR500: HOMILETICS. Joy J. Moore.

DESCRIPTION: This course will consider the theology, calling, and practice of preaching. It will provide the opportunity to study and to reflect on the vision and challenge of preaching in pastoral ministry, and to develop in the practice of preaching.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: The gospel of Jesus Christ comes to us as kerygma, the proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom of God for our sake and for the sake of the world. This means that preaching holds a distinctive place in the spiritual life of the Church, a place that needs to be understood both for what it is and what it is not. Many in leadership in the Church are called upon to preach, and the calling, labor, and joy of preaching needs to be competently and humbly embraced and developed. The Church lives and serves by the Word of God. Preaching is not for its own sake, but for the work and witness of God in the world.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will have the opportunity to: (1) gain knowledge of homiletic theory and acquire new skills in both applying these methods and evaluating their own preaching, as well as that of others; (2) demonstrate an understanding of how the biblical text is the foundation for preaching; (3) develop a coherent vision of the pastoral dimensions of preaching as an act of worship and their own sense of call to such a ministry; (4) learn from other preaching models and examples in order to exegete the cultural context of the preaching moment, as expressed in the choices regarding use of language, the arts, and physical space; and (5) develop their own skills in planning theologically appropriate sermons for worshipping communities in their tradition by preparing and preaching three sermons.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets twice weekly for two hour sessions. The course has both lecture and practicum components and will meet four hours per week. (Note: practicum sections may not meet during the scheduled class hours). Preaching will take place in small groups (practica) led by the teaching assistants. In these groups, students will each make three presentations. Students will receive feedback on these presentations from group members and teaching assistants.


Barth, Karl, Homiletics. Translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley and Donald E. Daniels. L. Westminster John Knox, 1991. ISBN: 978-0664251581, Pub. Price $30.00 [140 pp.].

Hogan, Lucy Lind. The Six Deadly Sins of Preaching: Becoming Responsible for the Faith We Proclaim. Abingdon, 2012. ISBN: 978-1426735394, Pub. Price $14.99 [128 pp.].

Long, Thomas. The Witness of Preaching (Westminster John Knox, 2005). ISBN 978-0664229436, Pub. Price $25.00 [240 pp.].

Mitchell, Henry H., Celebration and Experience in Preaching. Abingdon, 2008. ISBN: 978-0687649198, Pub. Price $19.99 [151 pp.].

Willimon, William H., A Guide to Preaching and Leading Worship. Westminster John Knox, 2008 ISBN: 978-0664232573, Pub. Price $18.00 [144 pp.].

Moodle articles, selected contextual reading, selected methodology reading, and viewing assignments.


  1. attendance and participation (20%)

  2. two 2-page book responses (10% each, 20% total)

  3. one 2-page contextual preaching paper (10%)

  4. one 2-page theology of preaching paper (30%)

  5. two outside sermon evaluations (5% each, 10% total)

  6. sermon help collection notebook (10%)

  7. each student will preach two 10 minute sermons and two 3 minute presentations in the small group setting. Oral presentations will be grated as pass/fail.


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Preaching and Communication (MIN 2) and the Communication (COMM) requirement in MA programs.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.