Fall 2013/Pasadena



LG512A: INTRODUCCION AL GRIEGO 1 [Beginning Greek]. Camilo Gonzalez.

DESCRIPTION: Greek A introduces students to basic building blocks of New Testament Greek, including nouns and cases, prepositions, adjectives, pronouns, indicative verbs, and an introductory vocabulary.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: The course will provide the student with basic skills in Greek grammar needed for preaching, teaching, accessing exegetical tools (such as critical Bible commentaries, Internet resources, and Theological Dictionaries), and personal devotion.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Having successfully completed this two-quarter sequence, students will have demonstrated the ability to (1) read aloud in Greek and to write legibly in its standard script; (2) recognize and translate from memory vocabulary words introduced in Mounce chs. 1-20; (3) identify (i.e., to parse) various forms of articles, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, present indicative verbs and future active and middle indicative verbs; (4) understand and explain basic Greek grammar and syntax; (5) translate basic texts in the original language.

COURSE FORMAT: The course method is based on preparation of carefully designed lessons before coming to class. The class sessions consist of recitation and discussion of questions and problems, as well as presentations of material as needed. The class will meet twice weekly for two-hour sessions.


Aland, K., et al. The Greek New Testament. 4th ed. American Bible Society, 2000 [UBS4]. ISBN: 978-3438051103, Pub. Price $43.99; OR Nestle, E., and K. Aland. Novum Testamentum Graece. 28th ed. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2012 [NA28]. ISBN 978-3438051400, Pub. Price $45.99. Nestle, E., and K. Aland. Novum Testamentum Graece. 27th ed. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1998 [NA27] ISBN: 978-3438051004, Pub. Price $40.99 is also allowed.

Danker, F. W.A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. 3d ed. University of Chicago Press, 2001 [BDAG]. ISBN: 978-0226039336, Pub. Price $165.00 (note that this is also available on many Bible software programs).

Davis, Guillermo H. Gramática elemental del Griego del Nuevo Testamento. Tr. Jorge McKibben. Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, 1950. ISBN: 978-0311420087, Pub. Price $14.25 [256 pp.].

Mounce, William D. Basics of Biblical Greek: Grammar. 3rd ed. Zondervan, 2009. ISBN: 978-0310287681, Publ. Price $49.99 [448 pp.].

________. Basics of Biblical Greek: Workbook. 3rd ed. Zondervan, 2009. ISBN: 978-0310287674, Publ. Price $22.99 [240 pp.].

RECOMMENDED READING: A complete list of recommended reading will be available in the Syllabus.

ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENT: Each student is expected to be present at all class sessions with homework and the assigned lessons fully prepared. There will be periodic quizzes and tests to help the student to monitor his or her progress. There will also be a midterm and final examination. Grade percentage will be as follow:

  1. Homework for each class session (30%).

  2. Periodic quizzes to test vocabulary and translation ability (20%).

  3. Mid-Term (20%).

  4. Final Exam (30%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: The completed three-quarter sequence LG512A/B/C meets the MDiv core requirement in Greek (GRK).


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.