DESCRIPTION: This course provides an introduction to biblical Hebrew. Students
will gain a basic understanding of the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of
biblical Hebrew and begin developing translation skills necessary for biblical
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: Interpreting the Bible in a critically
responsible and faithful way is vitally important in guiding our lives together
as Christians, and in whatever ministry God calls us to. The ability to read,
translate, and analyze the text of the Bible in its original languages greatly
enhances our search to discern God's message to us. With a basic understanding
of the Hebrew language, the Old Testament comes alive in new ways and allows us
to open ourselves to more of what God may be saying to us through God's
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completing this course, the student will demonstrate
the ability to (1) read aloud from the Hebrew Bible; (2) write
legibly in a standard Hebrew script; (3) recognize and use high-frequency
vocabulary of biblical Hebrew; (4) identify basic word forms, grammatical
structures, and syntax; (5) translate short passages from the Hebrew Bible
using a standard lexicon and other tools.
COURSE FORMAT: The class meets twice weekly for four-hour sessions. Class time
will consist of lecture, reading, and translating from the Hebrew Bible,
translation exercises, quizzes, and tests. Attendance is very important for
successfully completing this course and towards acquiring the skill of reading
biblical Hebrew. Students should expect to spend at least two hours of outside
preparation/homework for every hour of class time.