DESCRIPTION: This course explores the biblical mandate to follow the call to
"go to all nations," especially as it relates to adolescents. Students will
learn how to articulate and pass on to others the biblical and theological view
of evangelism and outreach. Through readings, lecture, projects, and
discussion, students will learn how to design an incarnational as well as
relational ministry program that engages unchurched adolescents and young
adults with Christian witness infused with "gentleness and respect" (1 Peter
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: In today's ministry to young adults and
adolescents evangelistic models abound, but are they theologically advisable?
This course will enable the student to develop a biblically sound as well as
culturally relevant theology of youth and young adult outreach and evangelism.
The student will develop an appreciation for the perspective of the secular
person, and be equipped to be a faithful witness to the word become flesh.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will (1) understand how people respond to
persuasion; (2) develop a theology of evangelism, specifically targeted at
adolescents and young adults; (3) understand how to design and implement
relational strategies and programs that enable contextually applied
participation in God's kingdom purposes; and (4) train others in a
contextualized practical theology of evangelism.
COURSE FORMAT: Lectures, class discussion, and presentations by various guest
experts will make up the class time. Each student will complete a final
project. Class will meet weekly for three hours.
*Clark, Chap. Hurt 2.0: Inside the World of Today's Teenagers. 2nd ed.
Baker Academic, 2011. ISBN: 978-0801039416, $17.99.
Dean, Kenda C. Almost Christian: What the Faith of our Teenagers Is Telling
the American Church. Oxford University Press, 2010. ISBN: 978-0195314847,