Winter 2012/Pasadena
CN520: PASTORAL COUNSELING. William Roozeboom.
- Pastoral counseling as a specialized ministry within the field of
pastoral care will be explored didactically and practically in preparing
persons who plan to do pastoral counseling and pastoral psychology. A survey of
counseling theory from an integrative perspective, with attention to particular
ministry issues, will be incorporated into a practical format in a community
- To pastor effectively is to be available to people in crisis, in
growth passages, and in change throughout the life cycle. The pastoral
counselor is capable of offering therapeutic intervention and support, as well
as facilitating the pastoral care of the people of God surrounding the
- Students completing this course will have demonstrated (1) a better
understanding of and an ability to interpret individual experience, family
relationship patterns, culture, and congregational life; (2) skills in
counseling individuals, families, and congregations; (3) the ability to more
deeply empathize with people to whom they minister, and seek ways of
preventative education and care for others; (4) that they have begun to
identify what theological commitments he/she brings to the counseling process;
and (5) more commitment to self-development and self-care.
- Lecture, discussion, audio-visuals, case studies, experiential
exercises, triads utilizing counseling skill training processes, and practice
in simulated counseling circumstances will integrate theory, theology, and
practice. The course meets weekly for a three-hour session.
- A minimum of 1200 pp., including weekly assignments from the
required and recommended reading:
- Justes, Emma. Hearing Beyond the Words: How to Become a
Listening Pastor. Nashville: Abingdon, 2006. 109 pages. ISBN: 0687494990.
Pub. price $17.00.
- Lartey, Emmanuel Y. In Living Color: An Intercultural Approach to
Pastoral Care and Counseling. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley
Publishers, 2003. 192 pages. ISBN:9781843107507. Pub. price $26.95
- Meier, Scott T., and Susan R. Davis. The Elements of Counseling.
6th ed. Brooks Cole, 2007. 87 pages. ISBN: 9780495017745, Pub. price
- Miller, William and K. Jackson. Practical Psychology for
Pastors. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1994. 468 pages. ISBN:
0131718290. Pub. price $55.00.
- Expanded syllabus/course reader, with selected chapters, available in the
RECOMMENDED READING: Available in the course syllabus.
- (1) Attend lectures and small group sessions and write reflections
on selected experiences and assigned readings (25% of the grade). (2) Attend
one session of a 12-step group (AA, NA, Al-Anon, etc.) and write a report with
theological and psychological analysis (10% of the grade). (3) Present a paper
(12-15 pages) on "the basic assumptions I bring to the pastoral counseling
relationship" as well as name the key theological commitments you bring to the
pastoral counseling process (30% of the grade). (4) Do a reciprocal case study
with a fellow student and demonstrate counseling skills in a small group
examination with two other dyads and a professor or TA (35% of the
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Pastoral Counseling
(MIN 5).
FINAL EXAMINATION: Yes. Small group process which demonstrates counseling
This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (revised October 25, 2011)