DESCRIPTION: St. Patrick's life, work, and ministry changed Ireland more than
any single person in history. Never straying far from his humble roots as a
slave in his beloved country, he was able to integrate his insightful
pragmatism, strategic thinking, relational savvy, and authentic love for people
to bring about lasting transformation in the name of Jesus Christ. In this
course, we will examine the key aspects of Patrick's life, faith, and ministry,
and, using this as a lens, we will explore how the life of St. Patrick of
Ireland can teach us what evangelism in our culture and context can be.
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: All Christian ministry should incorporate
sharing the good news of Christ and encouraging people to commit to following
him, whether through direct evangelistic programs, worship services, training,
encouragement and accountability, or representing the love of Christ through
our lives and communities. Awareness of contemporary culture and attention to
understanding culture is important both for evangelistic purposes and for
Christian discipleship, as we reflect on how to minister to others and live
ourselves as followers of Christ in our cultures.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students completing this course will have demonstrated (1)
an understanding of the biblical meaning of evangelism and conversion, the
development of evangelism in church history and today, and various theological
perspectives on evangelism and conversion (2) an understanding of different
aspects of evangelism and of different paradigms, methods, and strategies;
discussion of application, (3) increased ability to analyze cultural, local,
and church or ministry contexts to determine and implement potential outreach
activities, strategies, and motivation, (4) an understanding of contemporary
culture and its impact on evangelism in culture, church, ministry, and personal
relationships today; (5) an increased passion for evangelism and confidence in
personal ability to share about faith in Jesus.
COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet daily for 10 days in Ireland, for lecture,
reading discussion, and visits to museums, churches, and historic sites.
Following the onsite portion, the course will conclude with a five-week online
component that will lead students into the exploration of additional reading
and viewing materials, threaded online discussions, written assignments, and
preparation for a final written or artistic project.