DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to give students preparing for ordination
in the Presbyterian Church (USA) a thorough knowledge of the polity of the
PCUSA as contained in its Constitution. The course will assist students
preparing for the Standard Ordination Examinations in Polity and Worship. Time
will also be spent covering the basics of parliamentary procedure as used in
the PCUSA.
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: A working understanding of Presbyterian
polity is required for ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Polity is
integral to one's functioning effectively as an ordained Presbyterian minister
both in the local congregation and throughout the governing bodies of the
church. This course is designed to enable the students to identify polity
issues and become aware of the implications of polity for one's decisions and
functioning in the life of the church.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: There are four objectives for the course in Presbyterian
polity: First, students will gain an increased appreciation of the polity of
the Presbyterian Church (USA). Second, students will be introduced to the
common dilemmas of pastoral ministry and as a result be able to conduct their
own ministries in accordance with Presbyterian law. Third, students completing
this course will gain an understanding of Presbyterian law in the larger
context of the Great Ends of the Church. Fourth, students upon
completion of this course will be able to pass their ordination exam in
Presbyterian polity.
COURSE FORMAT: The course will meet daily for two weeks for four-hour sessions
for lectures and discussion. Case studies will be used regularly.