Spring 2011/Pasadena
Van Engen

(Systematic Theology 3: Ecclesiology and Eschatology). Charles Van Engen.

DESCRIPTION: This course examines the doctrines of the Church: its nature, authority, ministry; the Church's mission; Christian worship; the sacraments; prayer; the second coming; death and resurrection;, judgment and eternal life.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: This course provides the student with the opportunity to reflect on fundamental issues of the Christian faith, witness, and mission of the Latin American Church. The readings and assignments have been designed to facilitate this kind of reflection from the point of view of a biblical and dynamic pastoral activity in the contexts of Latin America.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students completing this course will have demonstrated (1) an understanding of the interrelated character of Christian theology; (2) an ability to reflect theologically upon the course topics as these relate to a range of cultural and contextual matters that shape our understanding of theological issues, with particular attention to Latin America; (3) an enhanced ability to think theologically in light of their own experience, church setting, and spiritual formation; (4) beginning development of skills towards constructing their own theology in critical dialogue with various views, especially in a contemporary context; (5) an appreciation of ecumenical and cultural diversity leading to greater theological sensitivity in their respective ministry ventures.

COURSE FORMAT: Although the course, taught in Spanish, is strongly contextualized to the Latin American reality, for reasons of integration it will try to maintain close ties with the same material as taught in the course in English. Effort will be made so that a major share of the readings and assignments may be done in Spanish. The readings will be complemented by explanation, reflection, and discussion in class. This course meets one day a week for a three-hour session.


  1. Calvino, Juan. Institución de la religión Cristiana. vols. 1-2. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans; Nueva Creación, 1988. ISBN: 0802809081 (ISBN13: 9780802809087); $ 69.75 used.; Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Westminster (2 vols.), 1960 or Eerdmans (1 vol.), 1994; or The Comprehensive Calvin Collection. CD-ROM. Albany, OR Ages Software, 1988. (Select and read 200 pages.)

  2. Zaldívar, Raúl. Teología Sistemática desde una perspectiva latinoamericana. Barcelona; CLIE, 2006. ISBN: 84-8267-468-4; $19.99 (Select and read 200 pages).

  3. Either Grudem, Wayne. Teología Sistemática. Miami: Editorial Vida. 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8297-4627-3; $19.79 new. OR Berkhof, Hendrikus. Christian Faith. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979. ISBN: 0-8028-3521-X. paperback $39.84 new; $1.36 used (Out of print: selected pages to be obtained from the professor, in class). (Select and read 200 pages of either work.)

  4. Lacueva, Francisco. La Iglesia, Cuerpo de Cristo. Barcelona: CLIE, 1980. ISBN: 84-7228-091-8; $10.99. (This may be substituted with any standard monograph on the Church such as G. C. Berkouwer, Hans Küng, Jürgen Moltmann, Avery Dulles, Leonardo Boff, Juan Luis Segundo, or others from a bibliography provided in class. Select and read 200 pages.)

  5. Van Engen, Carlos. Pueblo misionero de Dios. Grand Rapids: Libros Desafio, 2004. ISBN: 1-55883-409-5; $14.50 paper. (OR other selected work concerning the mission of the Church, bibliography to be provided in class.) (200 pages).

  6. Either Grau, J. Escatología: Final de los tiempos. Barcelona: CLIE, 1980. ISBN: 84-7228-293-7; $12.99 new, paper. OR Lacueva, Francisco. Escatología II. Barcelona: CLIE, ISBN: 84-7228-781-5; $12.99 new, paper. (100 pages).

  7. Selected reading concerning the sacraments (bibliography to be provided in class: 100 pages).



RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Systematic Theology "C" (STC).


This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (January 2011)