DESCRIPTION: The course involves reading Isaiah section by section and
studying ten passages of about ten verses each in Hebrew.
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: The book of Isaiah offers central
scriptural revelation on who God is and who we are.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: To complete the course successfully, students will have
demonstrated that they have gained some grasp of the different sections of the
book, gained skill in analyzing and exegeting particular texts of the book in
Hebrew, reflected on how Isaiah is both a book located in history and also
words from God, and considered how the book relates to faith and life.
COURSE FORMAT: Each week students post homework and translation (5.5 hours),
take part in online discussion (.5 hour), and meet 3.5 hours. The first part of
the class (1.5 hours) is given to section-by-section study of the book,
combining lecture, responses to postings, and discussion. The second part (2
hours) focuses on the Hebrew text of set passages. Students write one
exegetical paper (30 hours).