DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to equip church leaders to develop
effective evangelistic strategies for their church's distinctive ministry
context. The course focuses on evangelism as a process of building
relationships through which the local church seeks to impact its context with a
holistic gospel. Therefore, the class will provide a theological basis for
evangelism and for the communication of the gospel in contemporary Hispanic
culture. It will provide students with tools to develop evangelistic strategies
in order to plan personal, small group, and church-wide evangelism activities
appropriate to their own context.
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: The main objective of this course is to
help students learn how to do evangelism in a culturally relevant way, with a
biblical, theological, and missiological foundation. The course is designed for
church leaders and/or lay people who understand their responsibility and have
the passion for developing effective, culturally relevant evangelistic
strategies in the local church.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing this course the student will (1) have
gained a biblical, theological, and missiological understanding of evangelism
in contemporary society; (2) appreciate the importance of a "culture of
evangelism" in the local church; (3) have tools for evaluating contemporary
evangelistic programs; (4) be motivated to engage in evangelism and be able to
analyze and apply the most suitable evangelistic tactics for effective church
outreach; (5) have developed for implementation a plan of evangelism that is
culturally relevant to the student's church or ministry situation.
COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet Friday nights and Saturdays October 2,
15-16, 29-30; and November 19-20. Students will learn via presentations
(professor- and student-led), class discussions, video and multimedia
presentations, and small group exercises.
REQUIRED READING (1500 pages):