Summer 2010-Summer 2011
Pasadena and Regional Campuses
DESCRIPTION: This course (offered pass/fail for 2 units) is the required
nine-month church internship designed to give students supervised and evaluated
experience in pastoral ministry in the local church.
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: This course is designed to provide a means
for students to increase their skills and experience in pastoral ministry, as
well as to meet the requirements that many denominations have for a candidate's
ministry preparation. This course also helps prepare students for ministry by
providing a context in which spiritual, theological, and ministry formation can
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will (1) grow in their ability to engage in
theological reflection by having regular opportunities to think critically
about ministry in light of the Christian tradition; (2) deepen their
understanding of the cultural context of ministry by immersing themselves in a
specific context and regularly reflecting with their supervisor on the
connection between context and ministry; (3) develop toward becoming
spiritually mature and accountable practitioners by reflecting with their peers
in a theological reflection group and with their supervisor in their internship
on the connection between their faith and their ministry; (4) become better
Christian leaders by having many opportunities to practice the responsibilities
of ministry throughout their internship.
COURSE FORMAT: The course has three primary components: practical ministry,
supervision, and theological reflection. The student spends at least 10 hours
each week for three academic quarters (nine months) in the local church
involved in specific ministry assignments agreed upon by the supervisor and
student, and approved by the Field Education and Ministry Formation (FEMF)
Office. One hour each week is to be spent with the approved on-site supervisor.
The agenda should address (a) professional direction, evaluation, and
oversight of the student's ministry; (b) theological reflection and
discussion of topics related to ministry as identified by the student and
supervisor; (c) support and prayer. Students will meet during the second
quarter (FE501B) in a Theological Reflection Group, led by a faculty member or
experienced pastor. These groups meet eight times, for two hours each time.
Each student participating will write and present one case study and spiritual
reflection from his or her internship experience.
- Participation in a Field Education Orientation, "Introduction to
Theological Reflection," during the first week of the first quarter in which
the student is registered for FE501.
- Completion of a Learning Agreement by the supervisor and intern, to be
turned in to the FEMF Office by the end of the second week of FE501A (the first
quarter of the internship).
- Meeting during the first quarter (FE501A) and third quarter (FE501C) with a
Field Education Advisor for a progress report on the internship.
- Completion of Quarterly Evaluations by the student and the supervisor, to
be turned in by the end of the tenth week of EACH quarter.
- Participation in a Theological Reflection Group during the second quarter
(FE501B), including completion of a written case study to be submitted to the
FEMF Office the tenth week of the first quarter (FE501A).
- Participation in two Ministry Enrichment Seminars, one during FE501A, and
the other by the seventh week of FE501C.
- Note: Assignments for students at some Regional Campuses may be
different from those listed here. Refer to your syllabus for relevant
assignments. Evaluation is based on completion of the nine-month internship as
specified in the individual Learning Agreement and on-time, satisfactory
completion of assignments and evaluations.
PREREGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS: Before the student may register for this
course, several steps must be completed, a process that may take up to a
month, since the student is responsible to make arrangements for an internship
site. The first step is to read the preregistration materials available at
After the student has submitted internship and supervisor applications, he or
she must schedule an enrollment interview with the FEMF Office. If the
internship is approved, the student and his/her Academic Advisor will receive a
Course Approval Notification. The student must then contact the Academic
Advisor to receive a Course Reference Number (CRN) in order to register for
FE501A online. Each quarter of FE501A, B, and C has a different CRN. The
student must register for each of the subsequent quarters online.
PREREQUISITES: You are required to complete 24 units before you can register
for this course.
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: The three-quarter sequence, FE501A, B, and C, meets
the MDiv FE1 core requirement in Field Education (MIN 7). It is offered
pass/fail for 2 units. It is an elective for the MA in Theology (MAT).
This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (Posted May 6, 2010)