DESCRIPTION: This course is the introductory course for all students entering
Worship, Theology and the Arts (WTA) concentrations at the master's level. This
course introduces the students in the WTA concentration to the methodology that
will undergird their theological study of Christian worship, along with
narrative, performing, and plastic arts. Beginning with Augustine's philosophy
of language and learning as introduced and developed in De Magistro
and De Doctrina Christina, and his assertion that all we have to
communicate with are signs, words, and gestures, this course will explore
methods of exegeting signs and gestures to supplement the exegesis of words.
The course will be divided into modules, each one focusing on the application
of this method to Christian worship and two art forms. One module will also
focus on the topic of the Brehm Lectures, which the students will be required
to attend.
SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: St. Francis of Assisi famously stated that
one should proclaim the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words. This
course will introduce the student to ministry resources that are nonverbal and
can be seen as complementary to verbal proclamation of the gospel. In a world
that is becoming increasingly comfortable with symbolic and artistic
communication, this course invites the student to consider the various ways the
gospel can be proclaimed in symbolic and artistic ways, and the strengths and
limits of these forms of communication.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: A student successfully completing this course will (1)
articulate the application of Augustine's theory of communication to worship
and the arts; (2) describe in general terms the history and theology of the
arts in relation to the Christian faith; (3) describe in general terms the
history and theology of Christian worship in relation to the arts; (4) apply
the hermeneutic model of interpretation to worship and the arts in a cursory
way; (5) complete an in-depth application of this hermeneutic model to one
particular artistic expression or element of Christian worship.
COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet weekly for three-hour sessions. It will
have some lectures by the professor, discussions of course material, and
interaction and reflection on the experience of various art forms. Students
will be expected to attend the events surrounding the Brehm Lectures in their
entirety and go on field trips with the class during class time (and possibly
outside of class) to have common experience of various art forms.