Summer 2009/Pasadena
Two-week Intensive: August 17-28
DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to explore the nature of soul care
and companioning as it has evolved within the history of Christian spirituality
as well as study its more contemporary expressions and practices today. Set
against the backdrop of spiritual journey, the main focus will center around
the four companioning processes: spiritual friendship, guidance,
mentoring, and direction.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: It is hoped that by the end of the course the student will
(1) have a basic grasp of the broad spectrum of soul care ministries; (2)
understand the key communal practices of "spiritual accompaniment" such as
spiritual friendship, guidance, mentoring, and direction, in one's journey; (3)
be familiar with and able to articulate the focal dynamics of one of the four
companioning processes; (4) have a first-hand experience of actual group
companioning; (5) be motivated to more intentionally seek sacred companionship
for oneself and/or to assume the role of a companion for others in the
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: The course aims to provide a basic overview of
spiritual companioning, which is essential to living out our spirituality
within the context of our own journey, involving our ministry--where
people-to-people dynamics figure centrally in the process.
COURSE FORMAT: A mixture of class lectures by the professor and by possible
invited guests, journaling, devotional/experiential exercises, student
reports/discussion, and small group interaction. The class will meet daily for
four-hour sessions for two weeks. The course will be capped by half-day retreat
on Saturday August 29 (8:00am-1:30pm, including lunch) featuring an actual
experience of group companioning process. The cost is $60 per person and must
be paid in full during registration.
- Benner, David G. Sacred Companions: The Gift of
Spiritual Friendship & Direction. IVP, 2002.
- Dougherty, Rose Mary. Group Spiritual Direction: Community for
Discernment. Paulist Press, 1995.
- Green, Thomas. The Friend of the Bridegroom: Spiritual Direction and the
Encounter with Christ. Ave Maria Press, 2000.
- Kidd, S. M. When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life's Sacred
Questions. HarperOne, 1990.
- For Group Report, choose one (wait until first class session before
purchasing a book):
- Anderson, Keith R., and Randy D. Reese. Spiritual
Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving Direction. InterVarsity Press,
- Gratton, Carolyn. The Art of Spiritual Guidance. Crossroad, 1999.
- Sellner, Edward C. The Celtic Soul Friend. Ave Maria Press, 2002.
- For Interactive Book Analysis, choose one (wait until first
class session before purchasing a book):
- Demarest, Bruce. Soul Guide: Following Jesus as
Spiritual Director. NavPress, 2003.
- Edwards, Tilden. Spiritual Director, Spiritual Companion: Guide to
Tending the Soul. Paulist, 2001.
- Guenther, Margaret. Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction.
Cowley Publications, 1992.
- Jones, Alan. Exploring Spiritual Direction. New ed. Cowley
Publications, 1982, 1999.
- Phillips, Susan S. Candlelight: Illuminating the Art of Spiritual
Direction. Morehouse, 2008.
ASSIGNMENTS: [due dates yet to be added]
- Full attendance and active participation in all aspects of the course
- Thoughtful reading of the assigned textbooks (15%).
- Eight one-page journal entries (20%).
- Group Report [Facilitation/Discussion/Interaction] (15%).
- Interactive Book Analysis (3 pages; 10%).
- Focus Paper (12 pages; 20%).
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets Spirituality (SPIR) or FSP requirement for MA
This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (4/09)