DESCRIPTION: So you want to teach! What's different if your purpose is a
changed life--not just covering the material? How do you carry out your role if
God is the transforming agent? What concepts and communication help the church
recognize its missional purpose of existence in the twenty-first century? What
enables believers to "grow up"? How do we link God's story and our story? Why
is knowing the truth actually not enough? This course deals with the realities
of working in tandem with the Spirit and the learner so as to communicate
concepts in a way that makes a difference. How does this generation learn? And
how does that change our teaching? We're not really teaching unless persons are
learning. We learn best when we belong. We become what we teach; relationships
are critical. We believe God wants to change the world through his people.
Transformed, we become his missional people, carrying out his purposes.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: As a result of this course students will become persons who
in their own seminary lives are open to growing up in Christ and who focus on
working with the Spirit toward transforming and challenging discipleship. This
means students will understand the biblical foundation for all believers to
grow up in Christ, will become aware of theories that inform conceptually and
will process teaching skills that enable change. They will recognize their role
as choreographers working with the Spirit. Students will also be challenged to
move beyond just acquiring facts, to living and teaching the reality of those
facts in life. All students will have opportunity to put into practice biblical
truth that affects their own discipleship and, with their small group
community, will demonstrate what they have learned by designing and teaching
their peers, becoming transformational agents who teach and call for response
to the truth of God's Word.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: This course presents the basis for a philosophy of
ministry through teaching with practical implications for implementation of
Christian formation through such.
COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet daily for two weeks, in four-hour sessions,
including one hour actively involved in a permanent in-class small group. Class
sessions will include demonstrations, interactive learning, student dialogs,
media presentations, actually working in Scripture, trying out ideas in small
groups, and opportunity to experiment in teaching processes.