DESCRIPTION: This is the second half of a two-quarter introduction to biblical
Hebrew. Students enrolling in this course have completed LG502A in the Fall
quarter with the same instructor. No transferring between sections is
permitted. The course will seek to develop the mastery of elementary Hebrew
grammar and vocabulary and of translation of exercises from the textbook
Nociones Esenciales del Hebreo Biblico, as well as provide an
introduction to the use of reference material for the reading and translation
of Hebrew. In this quarter students will continue learning basic Hebrew grammar
and reading large portions of the Hebrew Bible.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students will (1) memorize basic vocabulary for prose
readings of the Hebrew Bible; (2) understand and recognize the different
grammatical categories present in Hebrew: nouns, adjectives, adverbs,
prepositions, verbs, and verbal forms; (3) learn to read aloud biblical
sections of the Hebrew Bible; (4) translate Hebrew texts and interact with
reference books and commentaries for biblical exegesis; (5) understand a basic
introduction to exegesis of Old Testament texts.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: The study of biblical Hebrew will help students to
better handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Almost two-thirds of the
Scriptures were written in Hebrew. Learning this language will open a window
into the culture and history of the biblical text, enabling them to deal with
Scripture more correctly. In this introductory course the students will lay the
linguistic foundations for future exegetical courses.
COURSE FORMAT: This course will meet twice a week for two-hour sessions. Each
class will introduce two new lessons from the textbook by means of class
presentations. Each lesson will be followed by selected exercises, which will
be examples for students' homework.