Spring 2008/Pasadena

PR511: PREACHING PRACTICUM (Two Units). Pyung Chun Yun.

DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to offer the maximum possible practical experience in preaching and sermon preparation. The class will be limited to a maximum of nine students. Each student will preach twice during the quarter. Sermons are to be original work not previously presented for credit in homiletics or other speech and preaching classes. Each sermon will be evaluated and discussed by class members under the direction of the instructor. All sermons will be recorded on video tape.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Goals for this practicum include (1) that students would grow in their conviction that the biblical text is the proper foundation for preaching; (2) that they might grow in expounding the biblical text in a way that is persuasive and relevant to a contemporary audience; (3) that they might increase their skills in crafting a sermon as a whole single body in a clear, coherent, and interesting way; (4) that they might improve their skills in their preparation and oral communication; and (5) that they might gain acuity in evaluating both their own preaching and that of others.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: The spoken word remains an essential means of communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ. Preaching is an essential element in the ministry of the church; and skill in preaching is expected of the great majority of those called to pastoral positions, as well as of evangelists and many other servants of Christ.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet weekly for two-hour sessions. The first part of each meeting will be spent in worship where two sermons will be preached by members of the class. The class will then move to informal surroundings, where discussion of the sermons will take place in a relaxed atmosphere. PLEASE NOTE: Class attendance is mandatory. If the class is over-subscribed, the first two persons on the waiting list should attend the first class session.

REQUIRED: Weekly exegetical reading on the texts to be preached upon.

RECOMMENDED READING: Students are expected to be familiar with texts assigned in PR500, or with equivalent standard works on preaching.

ASSIGNMENTS: Two sermons preached during the quarter, with exegetical notes and sermon manuscripts submitted in writing. Regular class attendance, preparation for class, and participation in discussion are required. A student who misses more than two class meetings will not receive a passing grade.


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Preaching and Communication (MIN 2). The practicum may be taken for credit more than once, though students are encouraged not to enroll in more than one section during any given quarter.


This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (2/08)