Summer 2007/Pasadena
Two-week Intensive: August 13-24


DESCRIPTION: Students will be challenged to consider how cultural and gender issues relate to effective Christian leadership, especially in congregations. Students will articulate the ways in which they have been formed as leaders and will be introduced to central themes in leadership theory. We will examine leadership in relation to issues of ethnicity, culture, gender, and postmodernity. Students will become more fully aware of self and context and will thus become more effective leaders in churches and other organizations.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Cognitive: understand power dynamics in differing cultures; identify key issues in leadership; see the importance for leaders of understanding one's own cultural formation and other cultures. Affective: desire to grow in cultural sensitivity; commitment to relating to diverse cultural settings; awareness of own cultural conditioning. Skills: ability to enter new settings with a greater understanding of cultural dynamics; ability to research and articulate the characteristics of a given culture that are relevant to leadership.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: We live in an increasingly diverse context, and yet only a few of our congregations and religious organizations embody this diversity. As Christian leaders we need to be able to help our congregations proactively relate to the changing cultural landscape. Leaders in ministry need to understand why issues of diversity matter; they need skills to appropriately foster diversity; and they need insight in order to lead culturally diverse organizations.

COURSE FORMAT: Class time will include lectures, Bible studies, large and small group discussions, case studies, group presentations, guest speakers, and field trips. The class will visit a worship service together on the Sunday morning in the middle of the two-week intensive. The class will meet daily for four-hour sessions for two weeks.


Christerson, Brad, Korie L. Edwards, and Michael O. Emerson. Against All Odds: The Struggle for Racial Integration in Religious Organizations. New York: New York University Press, 2005.

Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley. Leadership from Inside Out: Spirituality and Organizational Change. New York: Crossroad, 2004.

Law, Eric H. F. The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb: A Spirituality for Leadership in a Multicultural Community. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1993.

Volf, Miroslav. Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation. Nashville: Abingdon, 1996.

Course reader.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete the reading prior to the first day of class, especially Volf (except for chaps. 5 and 7) and Christerson et al.

To be completed during the 2-week class:
  1. All reading assignments are to be completed according to schedule during the 2-week session.

  2. Daily written reading reflections (two or more paragraphs each, 35%).

  3. Personal leadership development project (1000-1500 words; 20%).

  4. Cross-cultural interview project (1000-1500 words; 20%).
To be completed after the 2-week class:
  1. Research paper (2500-3500 words; 25%). Due September 12.


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets Ministry Foundations requirement (MINF) for MA in Theology.