Spring 2007/Pasadena


DESCRIPTION: The focus of this course is on a particular means of outreach. In the course, students will develop the skills necessary both to do small group evangelism and to train others to do so. In addition, they will come to understand and experience how small groups function; they will be exposed to the process of designing and using small group materials, specifically the process of designing small group outreach programs; and they will develop an understanding of the various ways in which small groups can be used in the church.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The intention of this course is that the student will

  1. Develop the skills necessary both to do small group evangelism and to train others to do so (a behavioral objective);

  2. Have planned, executed and analyzed an actual small group outreach session (a behavioral objective);

  3. Understand and experience the small group process (cognitive and affective objectives);

  4. Understand the process of designing and using small group materials and the process of designing small group outreach programs (a creativity objective); and

  5. Develop an understanding of how small groups have been and can be used in the church (a cognitive objective).

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Currently in the church there is a movement away from traditional methods of evangelism such as mass evangelism and certain forms of personal evangelism. The feeling is that in this post-modern environment these methodologies no longer reach the real outsider. In contrast, the use of small groups is on the rise in the church, including interest in harnessing this methodology for evangelism. This course will provide the foundational information and methods necessary to enable pastors and lay people to experiment creatively with this powerful form of outreach that connects so well with this generation.

COURSE FORMAT: A mixture of lecture, discussion, inter-active dialogue, analysis of materials, and small group experience. Each student will be a member of a small group that will plan and execute a small group outreach event. The small groups will meet during the class sessions with the exception of the one-time outreach event. The class will meet twice weekly for two-hour sessions.

Comiskey, Joel. Cell Church Solutions. CCS Publishing, 2005.

Myers, Joseph. The Search to Belong. Zondervan, 2003.

Peace, Richard. The Genius of a Small Group. (pre-publication), 2006.

Peace, Richard. Holy Conversation. InterVarsity Press, 2006.

Peace, Richard. Small Group Evangelism. Fuller Seminary Press, 1985/2005.

Poole, Garry. Seeker Small Groups. Zondervan, 2003.

Richardson, Rick. Reimagining Evangelism. InterVarsity Press, 2006.

Course Reader: Designing and Leading Small Groups. 2003.

ASSIGNMENTS: It is expected that each student will read the materials (20%) and be prepared to participate in the classroom discussion and exercises, including full participation in a small group and its outreach project (25%). In addition, students will be asked to complete a series of short small group exercises and papers (15%) and to design an innovative small group outreach series (40%) (20 pages total).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Evangelism (MIN 3).