DESCRIPTION: Our aim is to understand key motifs of Bonhoeffer's theology and
ethics and be able to explain and evaluate them. We will seek to understand how
Bonhoeffer's ethics and his theology are Christ-centered and mutually
interwoven, and how they relate to the struggle of the church with cultural
accommodation in his time and our time. We will also seek to appreciate
Bonhoeffer's spirituality in pursuit of deepening our own spirituality and
identity as Christians.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: I hope you will deepen the theological grounding for your
own ethics, be able to teach articulately how to practice discipleship in the
Christ-following tradition that proves itself by its fruits rather than being
confused by the ideological winds that swirl around us in this post-modern
time, and grow in faithful discipleship as Dietrich Bonhoeffer did.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Many are finding Bonhoeffer deeply helpful for
developing their identity in a time of scattered and fragmented identity. They
believe that by letting Christ be the center, we find key dimensions of the
clarification of church identity and personal identity sought by Christians in
our time.
COURSE FORMAT: The course will meet twice weekly for two-hour sessions.
Lecture and dialogue will be combined with some small-group discussion.