Winter 2007/Pasadena
WS816/516: THE WORD IN WORSHIP. Clayton J. Schmit and Todd E. Johnson.
DESCRIPTION: This doctoral seminar, open to a limited number of master's level
students by special permission, will explore the place of the reading and
preaching of Scripture in various styles of worship. The methodology of this
course begins with the assumption that all reading and preaching of the
Christian Scriptures is an act of worship. Our study will focus on the
intersection of three areas: Scripture and its proclamation, liturgy, and the
relationship of culture to preaching. This course will survey both historical
and contemporary models of word and worship. In particular it will explore
topics such as patterns of preaching and the relationship of Word to music,
corporate prayer, pastoral care, evangelism, and sacraments/ordinances.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course seeks the following goals for each student:
Cognitive: theoretical knowledge relating to the ministry of the Word as it
intersect with homiletics and liturgics; Affective: deepened
appreciation for the breadth of approach to the ministry of the Word;
Skills: capacity to craft a sermon that reflects a particular model of
ministry of the Word.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: This seminar is designed for people who are called to
the ministry of teaching preaching and worship and will provide them
perspective on the relationship of the preached word to Christian worship.
COURSE FORMAT: The course will meet for a three-hour period once per week
during the quarter for lecture, discussion, student presentations, and
REQUIRED READING: Students are required to read at least 3,000 pp. from the
following & other books.
- Boyd-MacMillan, Ron. Explosive Preaching: Letters on Detonating
the Gospel in the 21st Century. Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2006 (275
- Edwards, O. C. A History of Preaching. Abingdon, 2004 (1400 pages,
including CD Rom).
- Eslinger, Richard. The Preaching Web. Abingdon, 2002 (300 pp.).
- Green, Joel B., and Michael Pasquarello III, eds. Narrative Reading,
Narrative Preaching. Baker Academic, 2003 (200 pp.).
- Honeycutt, Frank G. Preaching for Adult Conversion: Invitation to a Life
Transformed. Abingdon, 2003 (70 pp.).
- Lose, David J. Confessing Jesus Christ: Preaching in a Postmodern World.
Eerdmans, 2003 (260 pp.).
- Nieman, J. R. and T. Rogers. Preaching to Every Pew: Cross-cultural
Strategies. Fortress, 2001 (150 pp.).
- Saterlee, Craig A., and Lester Ruth. Creative Preaching on the
Sacraments. Discipleship Resources, 2001 (100 pp.).
- Storey, Peter. With God in the Crucible: Preaching Costly
Discipleship. Abingdon, 2002 (180 pp.).
- Thompson, Bard, Liturgies of the Western Church. Fortress, 1980 (430
- A course reader of out of print materials.
- Read and be prepared to discuss assigned reading (3000 pages).
- Students will make an oral presentation on a particular model of Word and
- Students will write one publishable quality book review on a required
reading text (or a book relating to their own research).
- Students will preach prepare and preach one sermon demonstrating a
particular model of Word and worship.
- A final research paper (35-40 pages) on a subject of their choice. (The
length and scope of this assignment will be adjusted for masters level
PREREQUISITES: For master's level students, permission of the instructor.
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets PhD seminar requirement for Practical
Theology and Worship and Culture. Elective for master's students.