DESCRIPTION: This preaching practicum is designed to provide students with
practice in preparing sermons for special ministry occasions. Preaching texts
will be assigned to address pastoral situations such as funerals, weddings,
baptisms, the celebration of the sacrament/ordinance of the Lord's Supper, a
revival meeting, and an interdenominational service of worship. Enrollment will
be limited to nine students. Each student will preach two sermons which will
address an assigned ministry scenario. All sermons will be videotaped.
COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course seeks the following goals for
each student: Cognitive: theoretical knowledge relating to theology of
preaching, sermon design, and delivery; Affective: deepened appreciation
for the dialogical quality of preaching and the needs of the listener in the
preaching process; Skills: capacity to craft a sermon that engages the
biblical text, the context of the audience, theological issues, and the hearts
and minds of listeners; and to deliver it meaningfully.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Parish ministry presents preachers with many types of
pastoral situations. Preaching brings the power of God's Word to bear on these
special occasions, providing healing, comfort, unity, inspiration, and
enlightenment for God's people. Skill in preaching on such occasions will be
expected of pastors and other ministers who attend to these pastoral
COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet for a two-hour period each week. The first
part of each meeting will be spent in worship, where two sermons will be
preached by members of the class. The second hour will be spent in discussion
of the sermons and reflection on the special homiletical and theological
concerns which surround each pastoral situation. PLEASE NOTE: Class attendance
is mandatory. If the class is over-subscribed, the first two persons on the
waiting list should attend the first class session.