DESCRIPTION: The course will study the gospel as formulated
christologically. It will start with an investigation into Jesus'
self-revelation and into the rise of the apostolic kerygma, and then it will
proceed (1) to expound the meanings of various kerygmatic formulae with various
christological titles; (2) to appreciate some important models of Christology
in the NT; and (3) to reflect systematically on the person and work of Christ.
It will conclude with an appreciation of the development of the trinitarian
conception of God.
COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES: In this course the students are to obtain
(1) a comprehensive knowledge of the apostolic gospel of Jesus Christ; (2) a
training in the exegetical skills and in systematic theological reflection; and
(3) an ability to reflect critically on how they might effectively preach the
gospel in their situation today.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: The apostolic gospel is christocentric. So a firm
grasp of it from the christological perspective is foundational for an
effective ministry as well as for one's total theological reflection.
COURSE FORMAT: Lecture and discussion. The class will meet twice weekly for
two-hour sessions.