Spring 2006/Pasadena
CH502: HISTORIA MEDIEVAL Y LA REFORMA [Medieval and Reformation History]. Pablo
A. Deiros.
DESCRIPTION: This course is an overview of the history of Christianity from
Gregory the Great through the Reformation, with a global perspective. Emphasis
will be placed on the further development of the Christian testimony,
especially the West. Major events, movements, outstanding characters, and
theological trends will be dealt with.
COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES: After completing this course students
will be able to
- describe the historical development of Christianity in the world from the
sixth to the seventeenth century;
- identify those elements in the dynamics of the expansion of the Christian
faith, both inside and outside Europe, that help one understand its present
- understand the Christian testimony and life of the church during the
medieval and reformation centuries;
- explore the impact of Christianity on culture and the impact of culture on
Christianity; and
- recognize the development of Christian thought and its relevance in the
shaping of Christian doctrine.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Knowing the medieval and reformation history of
Christianity is basic to an understanding of contemporary Christian testimony
and church life. Many of our present-day beliefs and practices are products of
those fruitful centuries. Through studying the teaching and practice of
medieval and reformation Christians, students will learn to love the church and
to commit themselves to the mission the Lord entrusted to her.
COURSE FORMAT: Class time will consist of lectures on major themes of the
medieval and reformation history of Christianity and discussion based on daily
reading assignments. The class will meet twice weekly in two-hour sessions.
- Deiros, Pablo A. Historia del cristianismo. Vol. 2.
Ediciones del Centro, 2006 (available from professor).
- González, Justo L. Historia ilustrada del cristianismo. Vols.
1-2. Caribe, 1992.
- Latourette, Kenneth Scott. Historia del cristianismo. Vols. 1-2.
Casa Bautista, 1994.
- Walker, Williston. Historia de la iglesia cristiana. Casa Nazarena,
- Baker, Robert A. Compendio de la historia cristiana. Casa
Bautista, 1995.
- Bettenson, Henry, ed. Documents of the Christian Church. Oxford
University Press, 1979.
- Comby, Jean. How to Read Church History. Vols. 1-2. Crossroad,
- Danielou, J., and H. I. Marrou. Nueva historia de la iglesia. Vols.
2-4. Cristiandad, 1964.
- Irvin, Dale T., and Scott W. Sunquist. History of the World Christian
Movement, Vol. 1: Earliest Christianity to 1453. Orbis,
ASSIGNMENTS: Course requirements include 1500 pages of reading from the
required and secondary texts, a midterm exam, the completion of all the
required homework in the textbook (Deiros, Historia del cristianismo,
vol. 2), and a final exam.
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Church History "b"