DESCRIPTION: In the preaching tradition of many denominations, evangelistic
preaching assumes a prominent role. For others, this tradition has largely
disappeared. Yet there is an ongoing need for such a proclamation within the
context of the church's pastoral and evangelistic task. This course will
explore this unique preaching genre, providing insights and skills for the
practice of this demanding task.
COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES: Goals for this course include the
following: to develop an appreciation of the relationship between preaching and
the church's evangelistic mandate; to examine the cultural contexts in which
such preaching occurs; and to enhance the ability of the student to achieve
effectiveness in this task.
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: To equip students in the art of evangelistic preaching
with the local congregation as the primary focus. Additional attention will be
given to the cultural dynamics at work which provide the backdrop for
evangelistic preaching.
COURSE FORMAT: This two-unit course will be taught once per week in two-hour
sessions. It will follow a lecture/preaching/discussion format, incorporating
material from required texts, the professor's experience, and student