Fall 2005/Pasadena
(Introduction to Christian Spirituality for the Latino Church). Catherine
M. Barsotti.
DESCRIPTION: The aim of this course is to introduce, through discussion and
practice, the area of Christian spirituality to future leaders ministering
within the Latino context. A diversity of spiritualities found within Catholic
and Protestant Latino churches will be put into conversation with the various
Christian traditions of spirituality throughout the ages. Students will explore
and practice a variety of spiritual disciplines.
COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students completing this course will have
demonstrated (1) an increased understanding of the nature of spirituality; (2)
an acquaintance with the richness of traditions in Christian spirituality; (3)
basic skills or spiritual disciplines for developing and deepening an intimate
relationship with the triune God; and (4) the desire to be a leader who
continually nurtures his or her own life in the Spirit in the midst of ministry
RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Lay leaders and clergy alike long for intimacy with
God, while at the same time there is much conversation about the nature of
spirituality. These factors take on a specific flavor in Latino communities.
Those involved in ministry with and to this community must be able to
participate effectively in this conversation, guide others as they seek to
follow the spiritual way, as well as nurture their own spiritual health within
their ministry.
COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet weekly for a three-hour session, for a
mixture of lecture, discussion, media, and practice of the spiritual
disciplines. Each student will also participate in a half-day retreat on Sat.,
Oct. 15 (8 a.m.-1 p.m.) and a Taizé service on Fri., Nov. 4 (6:30
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Vida en comunidad. La Aurora, 1966.
(122 pp.)
- Foster, Richard. Alabanza a la disciplina. Editorial Betania, 1986.
(220 pp.)
- Gutiérrez, Gustavo. Beber en su propio pozo. Sigueme, 1985.
(181 pp.)
- MacDonald, Gordon. Ponga orden en su mundo interior. Editorial
Caribe, 1989. (173 pp.)
- Roldan, Alberto. La espiritualidad que deseamos. Publicaciones
Alianza, 2003. (154 pp.)
- Smith, G. Seguir a Jesús: Dios nos invita a un discipulado
transformador. World Vision, 2001. (96 pp.)
- Course Reader.
- One book, student's choice from recommended reading list.
- Carmona, Harold. Hacia una espiritualidad evangélica
comprometida. Kairós, 2002.
- Foster, Richard. Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great
Traditions of Christian Faith. HarperSanFrancisco, 1998.
- Galilea, Segundo. The Future of our Past. Ave Maria Press, 1985.
- Masini, Mario. La lectio divina. Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos,
- _________. Lectio divina: Oración de hoy y de siempre.
Ediciones Mensajero, 2001.
- Molinos, Miguel de. The Spiritual Guide. Christian Books Publishing
House, 1982.
- Larrañaga, Ignacio. Muéstrame tu rostro: Hacia la
intimidad con Dios. Paulinas, 2000.
- Nouwen, Henri. "Tu eres mi amado": La vida espiritual en un mundo
secular. PPC, 2000.
ASSIGNMENTS: (1) Regular attendance and participation in all aspects of the
course including a half-day retreat and one evening Taizé service (25%).
(2) Commitment to practice a spiritual discipline weekly, logged on a report
form (5%). (3) Completion of all required readings and submission of a reading
report (20%). (3) Short reflection papers on two of the required texts and one
experience/practice (3 papers, 1-2 pp. each; 5% each). (4) Research paper on
some aspect of spirituality (10 pp.; 35%).
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MA in Theology requirement in Spirituality