Summer 2005/Pasadena
Two-week Intensive: August 1-12
CH504: MODERN CHURCH HISTORY (Taught in Korean). Katherine H. Lee Ahn.
- This course surveys the history of Christianity around the world
from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Additional attention will
be given to the transitional process of Christianity moving from a western to a
world religion and major themes and events that dominated the process. The
class is conducted mainly in the Korean language for students whose native
tongue is Korean.
- The course should help students gain a better understanding of
contemporary churches around the world and develop sensitivity toward different
cultural and social contexts in which Christian churches have been formed and
are operating.
- The class will meet daily for two weeks for four-hour sessions. The
Korean language will be used for all lectures, discussions, and
REQUIRED READING (all available in Korean):
- Dupré, Louis & Don E. Sailers. Christian
Spirituality: Post Reformation and Modern. Crossroad, 1991. (Translated
into three separate volumes; volume 3 of the translation only; translated by
Sung Oak Um & In Sung Ji; published by Eunsung, 2001.)
- Shelley, Bruce L. Church History in Plain Language. Word, 1982.
(Translated by Hee Suk Park; published by Christian Digest, 2000; updated 2nd
ed. (in English), Thomas Nelson.)
- Kim, Sang Kun. Korean Title (Christian History that Changed World
History). Seoul: Pyung Dan Mun Wha Sa, 2004.
- SUPPLEMENTAL READING (choose one for book review):
- Available in Korean:
- Chou, Chai-Yong & David Kwang-Sun Suh, eds. Korean Title
(History and Theology). Seoul: Korea Theological Study Institute, 1986.
- Berghoef, Gerard & Lester DeKoster. Liberation Theology. Grand
Rapids: Christian Library Press, 1984. (Translated by Kim Jichan; published by
Word of Life Press, 1987.)
- Chu, Jae Yong, ed. and trans. Korean Title (Asian Context and
Theology). Seoul: The Christian Literature Society, 1987.
- Cone, James H. God of the Oppressed. 1975. (Korean Title;
translated by Young Hak Hyun; published by Ewha Women's University Press,
- Available in English:
- Freston, Paul. Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and
Latin America. Cambridge, 2001.
- Froehle, Bryan T. & Mary L. Gautier. Global Catholicism: Portrait of
a World Church. Orbis, 2003.
- Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global
Christianity. Oxford Univ., 2002.
- Sanneh, Lamin. Whose Religion Is Christianity? The Gospel Beyond the
West. Eerdmans, 2003.
- Walls, Andrew F. The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History.
Orbis, 2002.
- Kwok, Pui Lan. Chinese Women and Christianity, 1860-1927. Scholars
Press, 1992.
- Robert, Dana L. Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers. Orbis,
- (1) Completion of reading the required texts before the class
begins. (2) One class presentation on a regional specific historical event,
movement, or person, with an outline submitted simultaneously, the formal
written presentation of the materials (8-10 pp.) submitted August 19 (25% of
grade). (3) A critical book review (5-7 pp.) on one text from the supplemental
list, due Sept. 9 (25%). (4) Take-home midterm at the end of the first week,
based on required readings and lectures (25%). (5) Final exam during the last
two hours of the second week (25%).
RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Church History "b"