Summer 2004/Pasadena
Five-week Intensive: June 21 - July 23
PR500: HOMILETICS. Doug Nason.
- This course is designed to give a general introduction to the
theology of preaching and to the art and craft of sermon design and delivery.
The person of the preacher, the nature of preaching, and principles of sermon
construction will be discussed.
- The spoken witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ has always been a
primary means of communicating the faith. It continues to be a powerful tool
for planting, teaching, and nurturing faith in Christ. Biblical preaching is
the principal public form of this witness and skill in biblical interpretation,
sermon preparation, and proclamation is expected of those who are called to
serve as ministers of the Gospel.
- The class will meet twice weekly for four-hour sessions for five
weeks. The course has both lecture and practicum components. The practica are
small groups of students led by teaching assistants under the direction of the
professor. In these groups students will preach two sermons (both video-taped)
on which they will receive feedback from group members and the teaching
assistant. Only the second sermon as evaluated by the professor will count
toward the grade.
- All students will read and provide a two-page report on each of the
following books:
- Allen, Ronald. Patterns of Preaching. Chalice, 1998. (252 pp.,
selected portions)
- Long, Thomas G. The Witness of Preaching. Westminster/John Knox,
1989. (216 pp.)
- Robinson, Haddon. Biblical Preaching. Baker Books, 2001. (256 pp.)
- Additional short readings may be provided during the course.
- Preparation and preaching of two sermons, including submission of a
brief or outline for each. Self-assessments will be turned in after each of the
sermons. Brief reports on reading assignments will be prepared. In addition,
there will be an independent study project.
- Grading will be based on the second sermon as graded by the
professor, self-assessments for both sermons, reading reports, the independent
study project, and classroom participation. On-time attendance is very
important at the lectures and the preaching groups. The overall grade may be
reduced unless absences are excused and made up.
- NE502.
- Meets M.Div. core requirement in Preaching and Communication (MIN
- None.