Spring 2018/Pasadena



CH504: THE MODERN CHURCH IN A GLOBAL HISTORICAL CONTEXT (4 units: 160 hours). Katherine H. Lee Ahn.

DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the most important themes and events in the life of the church around the world from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Beginning with the post-Reformation period, students will examine the growth and contributions of the church in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia/Oceana. Attention will be given to some of the more important historical, theological, and cultural developments that have shaped (or been shaped by) specific regional and global historical contexts.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who complete the course will demonstrate ability to (1) identify and explain principal theological developments and historical events and personalities that have shaped the modern church; (2) think critically about historical texts and arguments, placing them in context; (3) interpret their own ecclesiastical tradition and other traditions with critical awareness and reflection; (4) critically assess their religious and cultural assumptions by examining the complexity and diversity of modem Christian history; (5) gain an appreciation for the multiplicity of ways in which the Christian faith is experienced and expressed in various parts of the world.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets once per week for three hour sessions for a total of 30 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 10 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours.

REQUIRED READING: 1,038 total number of pages.

González, Justo L. The Story of Christianity. Vol. 2. HarperCollins, 2010. ISBN: 978-0061855894, Pub. Price $27.99 [Starting from p. 167; total 360 pp. assigned].

Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-0199767465, Pub. Price $17.95 [368 pp.].

Koschorke, Klaus, Frieder Ludwig, and Mariano Delgado, eds. A History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1450-1990. Eerdmans, 2007. ISBN: 978-0802828897, Pub. Price $41.00 [Select sections; approximately 100 pp.].

Malone, Mary T. Women and Christianity III: From the Reformation to the 21st Century. Orbis Books, 2003. ISBN: 978-1570754753, Pub. Price $28.00 [Starting from p. 80; total 210 pp.].


  1. Required readings [70 hours].
  2. One book review (3 pages; 20% of final grade). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5]. [10 hours of DLAs].
  3. Research paper (12-13 pages; 30%) and presentation (15%) on a selected topic. [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5]. [30 hours].
  4. Final exam covering readings and lecture (35% of final grade; open-book exam). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5]. [20 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Option to meet the TH3 or TH4 requirement in the 120 MDiv Program and the 80 MAT Programs (Fall 2015). Option to meet the TH3 requirement in the 80 MATM Program (Fall 2015). Core requirement in the 80 MAICS Program (Fall 2015). Meets CHC in the 144 MDiv Program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.