Winter 2018/Pasadena



YF504: INTRODUCTION TO FAMILY MINISTRY (4 Units: 160 hours). Chapman Clark.

DESCRIPTION: This course presents an analysis of the current understanding and “modes” of “family ministry” over against a theological, sociological, and developmental understanding of contemporary culture. Various models of family ministry will be examined, and through the use of case studies, lectures, and research, students will learn how to create a family ministry program and/or strategy that best suits the needs and vision of a given church or ministry organization.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be able to (1) integrate a comprehensive theological definition of nuclear family and the church as a “family of families” to define “family ministry”; (2) critically reflect on gender, race, ethnicity, class, and ability diversity in the community of faith; (3) examine and appraise factors that influence self-proclaimed “Christians” to either withdraw from regular church attendance or to remain deeply involved and invested; and (4) create a program and/or strategy that promotes theologically and contextually sound ministry to individuals, marriages and families so as to strengthen the local household of God in the service of corporate missional living.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets once per week for three-hour sessions for a total of 30 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 10 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours. Class will consist of lectures, class discussion, and presentations by guest experts. Each student will complete a detailed final project.

REQUIRED READING: 1,358 required pages.

Cleveland, Christena. Disunity in the Body of Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep us Apart. IVP, 2013. ISBN: 978-0830844036, Pub. Price $16.00 [220 pp.].

Delfonzo, Gina. One by One: Welcoming the singles in your church. Baker, 2017. ISBN: 978-0801072932, Pub. Price $15.99 [242 pp.]

Evans, Rachel Held.Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church.Thomas Nelson, 2015. ISBN: 978-0718022129, Pub. Price $16.99 [288 pp.].

Garland, Diana. Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide. 2nd ed. InterVarsity Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0830839711, Pub. Price $55.00 [256 of 656 pp. required].

Gladd, Benjamin L. and Matthew S. Harmon. Making All Things New, Baker Academic, 2016, ISBN: 978-0801049606, Pub. Price: $19.99 [224 pp.].

Rah, Soong-Chan. Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church. Moody, 2010. ISBN: 978-0802450487, Pub. Price $14.99 [108 of 208 pp. required].


  1. Attend class [30 hours].

  2. 1,358 pages of required reading. [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, and 4]. [76 hours].

  3. Participate in weekly Canvas forums by writing a minimum of one (1) 90-­120 word posts and at least one (1) response to someone else’s post via Canvas (18 posts total) offering critical reflection on course content and peer reviewing of others’ work (15% of grade). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1, 2, 3, and 4]. [15 hours, including 10 hours of DLAs].

  4. Each student will complete a critical reflection paper on their historical experience with diversity in a faith community setting as well as an examination of their own potential for cultural and diversity bias. (20% of grade). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1 and 2]. [7 hours].

  5. Reflection paper (3-4 pp.) on Searching for Sunday and Many Colors (15% of grade). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, and 4]. [6 hours].

  6. Context exam on lectures and selected passages of Family Ministry (20% of grade). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, and 4]. [8 hours].

  7. Design a “family ministry” program and/or strategy, including but not limited to every issue covered by the lectures and the majority of those covered by the texts, including a section reflecting a strategic response to potentially divisive biases in a faith community. (30% of grade). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3, and 4]. [18 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Option to meet the C5 requirement in the 120 MDiv and 80 MATM Programs (Fall 2015). Meets the MIN 1 or MIN 4 requirement in the 144 MDiv Program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.