Summer 2017/Pasadena



PR521: PREDICANDO EN UN CONTEXTO MULTICULTURAL [Preaching in a Multicultural Context] (4 Units: 160 hours). Dr. Augusto Rodriguez.

DESCRIPTION: PR521 is designed as a 4-unit practicum in preaching that follows PR500 in the sequence of required preaching courses. The course provides students with an opportunity to work the “Developing” and “Mastery” levels of competence by preparing, preaching, listening to, responding to, and assessing sermons in a classroom setting. Instructors lead students through the following steps: assessing one’s prior preaching experience; setting personal goals for the class; preparing and preaching sermons; receiving feedback on sermons and engaging in self - assessment; making specific plans for continued growth and improvement; reflecting on one’s experience during the class; setting goals for continued learning and growth in preaching after completion of the class.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course students will have demonstrated (1) competence in biblical interpretation through faithful use of the whole canon of Scripture in proclaiming the gospel; (2) capacities for engaging listeners in preaching as a formative activity in the context of worship; (3) an understanding of how the theology of the Church and its historical developments, including the practice of preaching, inform the proclamation of the gospel in the present; and (4) competence in preaching as a theologically reflective practice that serves the Church’s vocation of proclaiming the gospel in the whole of life; (5) develop an understanding and skills to preach in a multicultural setting.

COURSE FORMAT: The class meets twice weekly for five weeks in four hour sessions for a total of 40 instructional hours in the classroom. The course is focused primarily on practice, but also requires a moderate amount of outside reading to assist in the process of assessing and reflecting on sermons. The practicum is led by the professor and requires participation by the whole class. Students preach a minimum of three (3) sermons for which they receive feedback, evaluative comments, and guidance to encourage continued reflection, learning, and growth. Students also engage in self-assessment and reflection after each sermon. In addition to class discussion following each sermon, students are able to consult individually with the professor.

REQUIRED READING: 621 pages required

Jiménez, Pablo A. La Predicación en el Siglo XXI. Editorial CLIE, 2009. ISBN: 978-8482674759, Publisher’s Price $14.99 [190 pp. assigned]

Jiménez, Pablo A. y Justo L. González. Manual de Homilética Hispana: Teoría y Práctica desde la Diáspora. Editorial CLIE, 2006. ISBN: 978-8482674841, Pub. Price $9.99 [90 pp. assigned]

Hybles, Bill, Sturat Briscoe, y Haddon Robinson. Predicando a Personas del Siglo XXI. Editorial CLIE, 2008. ISBN: 978-8482675220, Publisher’s Price $11.99 [148 pp. assigned].

Booher, Diana. Cómo hablar en Público. Editorial VIDA, 1994. ISBN: 978-0829718447, Publisher’s Price $10.99 [131 pp. assigned].

Rice, Howard. El Pastor como Guía Espiritual. Editorial Portavoz, 2000. ISBN: 978-0825416071, Publisher’s Price $8.99 [62 pp. assigned].


Fee, Gordon D. Exégesis del Nuevo Testamento. Editorial Vida, 1992. ISBN: 978-0829703672, Pub. Price $10.99.

Kraft, Charles H. Communication Theory for Christian Witness. Orbis Books, 2000. ISBN: 978-0883447635, Pub. Price $26.00.

Newbigin, Leslie. The Open Secret. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1995. ISBN: 978-0802808295. Pub. Price $20.00.

Overdoff, Daniel. Sermones que Transforman Vidas. Editorial Portavoz, 2012. ISBN: 978-0825413728, Pub. Price $10.99.

Spurgeon, Charles H. Un ministerio ideal. Estandarte de la Verdad, 2012. ISBN: 978-1848711273, Pub. Price $14.99.


  1. A minimum of 621 pages of required reading (15%). [This assignment is related to outcomes # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [30 hours].

  2. Prepare and preach two (2) sermons and provide exegetical notes and self-assessment. Students are required to complete the following (detailed explanation in the course syllabus): (a) Prepare and preach a sermon, with particular attention to the place of preaching in worship and preaching as a catechetical/formative practice of the church. Preaching will include sermons from both the Old and New Testaments. Students will submit exegetical notes with each sermon. The professor will provide guidelines for exegetical work. (b) Complete a substantive homiletic self-assessment after each sermon that reflects specifically on both strengths and weaknesses and sets goals for continuing improvement and growth in preparing and preaching sermons (36%). [This assignment is related to outcomes #1, 2, 4]. [50 hours].

  3. Preach a third sermon and provide an essay that includes assessment with theological reflection (2 parts): (a) Prepare and preach a sermon. Submit notes on biblical interpretation that support the sermon, including an assessment of the preaching context(s) [liturgical, ecclesial, social, cultural, economic, etc.] Exegetical work should emphasize interpreting texts within the whole biblical canon for proclaiming the gospel. (b) Write a 500-word assessment that reflects theologically on the sermon in light of the course objectives, the student’s vocational plans to serve the ministry of the Word, and the church’s calling to proclaim the gospel in all of life (14%). [This assignment is related to outcomes # 1, 4]. [23 hours].

  4. Attend and participate in class (20%). [This assignment is related to outcomes # 1, 2, 3, 4]. [40 hours].

  5. Preaching Autobiography. Write an initial 500 words (2 pages) “preaching autobiography” that describes and reflects on: 1) the student’s experience of preaching - as a student and participant in communities of faith; 2) the student’s hopes and goals for the class; 3) the student’s understanding of the ministry of the Word as a form of leadership that serves God’s mission (5%). [This assignment is related to outcome # 4] [3 hours].

  6. Final Reflection. Write a 750 word (3 pages) final paper that reflects theologically on: (1) the student’s work and experience during the class and sets goals for continued growth in the practice of preaching; (2) the student’s vocational plans to serve God’s mission through the ministry of the Word, including theological reflection on the particular challenges, opportunities and characteristics of one’s anticipated ministry context(s); and (3) continued learning and formation appropriate for the ministry of the Word within and/or beyond congregational life (5%). [This assignment is related to outcome # 4]. [7 hours].

  7. Cultural Setting Description (5%). Write 750 words (3 pages) description of the cultural composition of you church/preaching setting [This assignment is related to outcome #5] [7 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Option to meet the P1 requirement in the 120 MDiv Program. Meets the core requirement in Preaching and Communication (MIN2) in the 144 MDiv program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.