Spring 2017/Pasadena



CH504: THE MODERN CHURCH IN A GLOBAL HISTORICAL CONTEXT (Korean) (4 units: 160 hours). Katherine H. Lee Ahn.

DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the most important themes and events in the life of the church around the world from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Beginning with the post-Reformation period, students will examine the growth and contributions of the church in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia/Oceana. Attention will be given to some of the more important historical, theological, and cultural developments that have shaped (or been shaped by) specific regional and global historical contexts.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who complete the course will demonstrate ability to (1) identify and explain principal theological developments and historical events and personalities that have shaped the modern church; (2) think critically about historical texts and arguments, placing them in context; (3) interpret their own ecclesiastical tradition and other traditions with critical awareness and reflection; (4) critically assess their religious and cultural assumptions by examining the complexity and diversity of modem Christian history; (5) gain an appreciation for the multiplicity of ways in which the Christian faith is experienced and expressed in various parts of the world.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets once per week for three-and-a-half-hour sessions for a total of 35 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 5 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours.

REQUIRED READING: *UPDATED ON 02/22/17. 1,336 total pages required.

Chun, Ho-Jin. Korea Title [The Past, Present, and Future of Asian Christianity]. Young

Mun, 2008. (아시아기독교의과거와현재그리고미래. 전호진저. 영문, 2008.) ISBN: 978-8984872509, Pub. Price 15,000 Won [428 pp.].

Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity. Harper Collins, 2010. (현대교회사. 후스토곤잘레스저. 엄성옥역. 은성출판사. 2012.). ISBN: 978-8972364047, Pub. Price 26,000 Won [514 pp.].

Synan, Vinson. The Pentecostal-Holiness Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century. Eerdmans, 1997. (세계오순절성령운동의역사. 빈슨사이난저. 이영훈, 박명수역. 서울말씀사. 2000). ISBN: 978-8984340633, Pub. Price 10,000 Won [394 pp.].


Barth, Karl. Dogmatics in Outline. Harper & Row, 1959. (교의학개요. 칼바르트저. 신경수역. 크리스챤다이제스트. 2001. Translated by Shin, Kyung Soo; published by Christian Digest, 2001. ISBN: 978-8944710506, Pub. Price 6,000 Won.

Bettenson, Henry S. & Maunder, Chris eds., Documents of the Christian Church: selected and edited by Henry Bettenson. Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN: 978-0199568987, Pub. Price $29.95.

Freston, Paul. Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Cambridge, 2001. ISBN: 978-0521604291, Pub. Price $72.00.

Froehle, Bryan T., and Mary L. Gautier. Global Catholicism: Portrait of a World Church. Orbis, 2003. ISBN: 978-1570753756, Pub. Price not available. ***OUT OF PRINT.

Gutierrez, Gustavo. A Theology of Liberation. (해방신학. G. 구티에레즈저/성염. 분도출판사). Orbis Books, 1971. ISBN: 978-0883445426, Pub. Price $24.00.

Hastings, Adrian, ed. A World History of Christianity. Eerdmans, 1999. ISBN: 978-0802848758, Pub. Price $40.00.

Irvin, Dale T. and Scott W. Sunquist. History of the World Christian Movement, Vol. 2: Modern Christianity from 1454-1800. Orbis Books, 2012. ISBN: 978-157075895, Pub. Price $40.00.

Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN: 978-0199767465, Pub. Price $15.95.

Kim, Sang Kun. Korean Title (Church History Read through Historical Figures). Pyung Dan Mun Wha Sa, 2007. (인물로읽는교회사. 김상근저. 평단문화사. 2007). ISBN: 978-8973432561, Pub. Price 15,000 Won.

Koschorke, Klaus, Frieder Ludwig, and Mariano Delgado, eds. A History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1450-1990. Eerdmans, 2007. ISBN: 978-0802828897, Pub. Price $40.00.

Robert, Dana L. Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers. Orbis Books, 2002. ISBN: 978-1570754258, Pub. Price $25.00.

Sanneh, Lamin. Whose Religion is Christianity?: The Gospel Beyond the West. Eerdmans, 2003. ISBN: 978-0802821645, Pub. Price $16.00.

Walls, Andrew F. The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History. Orbis, 2002. ISBN: 978-1570753732, Pub. Price $26.00.


  1. 1,336 pages of required reading [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1]. [80 hours].

  2. A class presentation of the topic and research (15%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #3 and 4]. [5 hours].

  3. A research essay on an assigned topic [2,500-3,750 words] (50%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #2, 3, and 4]. [35 hours].

  4. FINAL exam covering readings and lecture (35%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1]. [5 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Option to meet the TH3 or TH4 requirement in the 120 MDiv Program and the 80 MAT Programs (Fall 2015). Option to meet the TH3 requirment in the 80 MATM Program (Fall 2015). Core requirement in the 80 MAICS Program (Fall 2015). Meets CHC in the 144 MDiv Program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.