Winter 2017/Pasadena



TC592A: THEOLOGY AND THE ARTS PROJECT COHORT (2 Units: 80 Hours). Maria Fee.

DESCRIPTION: Building upon the theoretical foundation provided by the Theology and Arts Capstone course, this project cohort is designed to nurture the development of the students’ summative master’s projects. The master’s project is an integrative and culminating portion of the MA-WTA, MA-WMM, and MAT-TA degree programs. This project affords students an opportunity to carefully and reflectively integrate their course work with their particular areas of artistic, ministerial, and/or cultural interest.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who pass this course will have demonstrated that they (1) recognize theological themes and issues relating to the production of artistic and/or liturgical projects; (2) can think critically and theologically in the production of their own creative projects; (3) are able to artistically address one particular theological theme in a creative manner, working from creative assignments from the previous Capstone class; and (4) can continue to plan, execute and complete their master’s project. These outcomes are developed and can be identified through written and non-prose work, specifically through the class assignments.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets once every other week for three-hour sessions for a total of 18 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion. Course meetings will involve student reports on their own reading and research, the development of their projects, and cohort feedback on projects. Student must have at least two individual meetings with the instructor/mentor.

REQUIRED READING, LISTENING, VIEWING, AND RESEARCH: In consultation with instructor, students will engage in 50 hours of approved research, preparation, and execution of their projects.

ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENT: The final grade for this course will be determined by:

  1. Class attendance and participation regarding peer-review of students’ projects (25%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 3]. [18 hours].

  2. Fulfillment of two class assignments (25%):

-A) Field Trip associated with your artistic genre/project and a three-page written analysis of the cultural artifact experienced and how it is related to master thesis project. [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1,2,3]. [7 hours].

-B) ArtVentures assignments: Assigned teams will meet and plan strategies for ArtVentures regarding roles and program structure. B) Students are to write artist bio and project statement (350 words) for ArtVentures and workshop them with team members [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 3, 4]. [3 hours].

  1. Two one-on-one meetings with instructor or mentor to assess progress regarding the master thesis research project in action. (50%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4]. [2 hours].

  2. Students will engage in approved research, preparation, and execution of their projects [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4]. [50 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: This cohort course meets the requirement for the master’s project in the Theology and the Arts emphasis. Option to count in the Worship and Music Ministry emphasis and the Worship, Theology and the Arts emphasis.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.