Spring 2016/Pasadena



NE517: NEW TESTAMENT BOOK STUDY: MARK (4 Units: 160 hours). Timothy W Reardon.

DESCRIPTION: This course is an English text, exegetical study of Mark’s Gospel, investigating major theological themes, the narrative development of Mark as a whole, and interpreting individual passages with reference to their literary, historical, and socio-cultural contexts.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Having successfully completed this course, students will have demonstrated the ability (1) to interpret Mark within its socio-historical, literary, and canonical contexts; (2) to identify central issues in the critical study of Mark; (3) to articulate primary theological and ethical concerns of Mark; and (4) to use English based language tools for interpreting the text; and (5) to interpret this text for faithful use of Scripture in their own lives and ministries.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets once per week for three hour sessions for a total of 30 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 10 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours.

REQUIRED READING: 961 pp. total

Either the CEB, NRSV, or TNIV translation of the New Testament.

Blount, Brian K. and Gary W. Charles. Preaching Mark in Two Voices. Westminster John Knox, 2002. ISBN: 978-0664223939, Pub. Price $24.95 [273 pp. assigned].

Donahue, John R. and Daniel J. Harrington. The Gospel of Mark. Sacra Pagina 2. Liturgical, 2002. ISBN: 978-0814659656, Pub. Price $29.95 [464 pp. assigned].

Thurston, Bonnie B. The Spiritual Landscape of Mark. Liturgical Press, 2008. ISBN: 978-0814618646, Pub. Price $12.95 [79 pp. assigned].

Course reader available on Moodle. Includes articles/chapters by Richard B. Hays, Morna D. Hooker, Elizabeth Struthers Malbon, Larry Perkins, David Rhoads, George M. Soares-Prabhu, Matthew L. Skinner and others [145 pp. assigned].


Anderson, Janice Capel and Stephen D. Moore (eds.). Mark and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies. 2nd edition. Fortress, 2008. ISBN: 978-0800638511, Pub. Price $24.00.

Myers, Ched. Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus: Twentieth Anniversary Edition. Orbis, 2008. ISBN: 978-1570757976, Pub. Price $28.00.

Rhoads, David, Joanna Dewey, and Donald Michie. Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel. 3rd edition. Fortress, 2012. ISBN: 978-0800699093, Pub. Price $12.95.


  1. Reading: 956 pages of required reading. [64 hours].

  2. Reading Mark: On three occasions throughout the semester you are required to read through Mark in its entirety (see Participation and Attendance) [6 hours].

  3. Participation and Attendance: This includes a reading report, completion of three readings of Mark, and participation in class sessions (10%). [30 hours].

  4. Online Discussion Forums: weekly participation in on-line discussion forums on Moodle dealing with the interpretation of the text and interaction with secondary reading [250 words/week] (10%). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes # 1-3, and 5]. [10 hours of DLA’s].

  5. Online Discussion Responses: weekly peer responses to on-line discussion forums on Moodle [250 words/week] (10%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome # 1-3, and 5]. [10 hours of DLA’s].

  6. Interpretive Assignments: two interpretive assignments on selected pericopae from Mark’s Gospel [one and a half to two pages, single-spaced] (15% each, 30% total). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1, 2 and 4]. [16 hours].

  7. Final Paper: A final research essay on a selected pericope from the Gospel of Mark [3,000-3,500 words] (40%). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes # 1-4]. [24 hours].

PREREQUISITES: BI500 or NE502; NT500 or NS500 or NS501.

RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Counts as a biblical elective for the 120 MDiv, 80 MAT, and 80 MATM Programs (Fall 2015). Meets the NTBK requirement for the MAT Program (Winter 2010).


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.