Winter 2016/Pasadena




DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to the relationship between biblical interpretation and the theology and practice of Christian mission. Participants will grapple with the importance of mission for reading the Bible and the teaching of the Bible on mission. This will include the missiological orientation of biblical texts, diverse paradigms for missional practice in Scripture, and issues of contextualization as students seek to understand the significance of mission for reading the Bible and for embodying Scripture’s witness in their contexts.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who successfully complete this course will have demonstrated the ability: (1); to describe the emergence of missiological hermeneutics, including its varieties and major proponents, as a development of biblical hermeneutics; (2) to evaluate recent proposals regarding missiological hermeneutics in light of the historical context of Christian use of the Bible in mission; (3) to explain how the mission of God, as a unifying theme of Scripture, relates to diverse Scriptural paradigms of mission; (4) to apply biblical paradigms of mission to particular mission contexts.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets as a one-week intensive for a total 40 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion.

REQUIRED READING: 1,214 pages of required reading

Barram, M. “성경, 선교, 그리고사회적위치: 선교적해석학을향하여” (The Bible, Mission, and Social Location: Toward a Missional Hermeneutic). Interpretation 61 (2007): 42-58. [17 pp. assigned].

Bosch, David. 변화하고있는선교: 선교신학의패러다임전환(Transforming Mission).

기독교문서선교회. 2010. ISBN: 978-8934106616, Pub. Price: 28,500 won. [284 p. assigned].

Goheen, Michael W. 열방에빛을: 온세상을향한하나님의선교이야기 (Light to the Nations, A: The Missional Church and the Biblical Story). 복있는사람. 2012. ISBN: 978-8963600802, Pub. Price: 19,800 won. [472 pp. assigned].

Nissen, Johannes. 신약성경과선교: 역사적해석학적관점들 (New Testament and Mission: Historical and Hermeneutical Perspectives). 기독교문선교회. 2002. ISBN: 978-8934108443, Pub. Price: 12,000 won. [319 pp. assigned].


박보경 (Bo Kyung Park). “선교적해석학의모색” (An Exploration for Missional Hermeneutics). 선교신학(Mission Thelogy) 18집 (2008): 76-103.

정승현 (Seung Hyun Jung). “선교의성경연구동향분석” (A Trend Analysis of Biblical Studies for Mission). 미션네트워크(Mission Network) 1집 (2012): 1-21.

강아람 (Aram Kang). “선교적교회론과선교적해석학” (Missional Church and Missional Hermeneutics). 선교신학(Mission Theology) 36집 (2014): 11-45.

이상훈 (Sanghoon Lee). “하나님의백성의선교적사명과책무” (Missional Task and Responsibility of God’s People). 선교신학(Mission Theology) 36집 (2014): 165-203.


Bosch, David. 세계를향한증거 (Witness to the World). 두란노. 1993. ISBN: 978-8970083803, Pub. Price: 10,000 won.

Glasser, Arther. 성경에나타난하나님의선교 (Announcing the Kingdom: The Story of God's Mission in the Bible). 생명의말씀사. 2006. ISBN: 978-8904100804, Pub. Price: 25,000 won.

Guder, Darrell L. 선교적교회: 북미교회의파송을위한비전 (Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America). 주안대학원대학교출판부. 2013. ISBN: 979-1195055302, Pub. Price: 25,000 won.

Kaiser, Walter. 구약성경과선교: 이방의이스라엘(Mission in the Old Testament). CLC. 2013. ISBN: 978-8934112723, Pub. Price: 10,000 won.

Larkin, William J. Jr., and Williams, Joel F. 성경의선교신학 (Mission in the New Testament: An Evangelical Approach). 이레서원. 2001. ISBN: 978-8974351526, Pub. Price: 16,000 won.

Newbigin, Lesslie. 오픈시크릿: 마침내드러난하나님의비밀선교 (The Open Secret: An Introduction to Theology of Mission). 복있는사람. 2012. ISBN: 978-8963600833, Pub. Price: 16,000 won.

Van Engen, Charles. 미래의선교신학 (Mission on the Way). 바울. 2004. ISBN: 978-8972865056, Pub. Price: 18,000 won.

Wright, Christopher J. H. 하나님의선교: 하나님의선교관점으로성경내러티브를열다(The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative). IVP. 2010. ISBN: 978-8932811550, Pub. Price: 33,000 won.

Wright, N. T. 마침내드러난하나님의나라 (Surprised by Hope). IVP. 2009. ISBN: 978-8932811109, Pub. Price: 18,000 won.


  1. 1,215 pages of required reading [60 hours].

  2. A critical analysis of at least three recent proposals for missiological hermeneutics in conversation with work on the historical use of the Bible in Christian mission (2 pages; 20%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1 and 2]. [15 hours].

  3. A Moodle journal in which students will post weekly reflections on the following biblical texts in dialog with their course readings, focusing specifically on how the mission of God as a unifying theme and the diverse scriptural paradigms for mission related to the selected biblical texts (2 pages per week for 10 weeks; 30%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #3]. [15 hours].

  1. A final integrative project that requires students to analyze and reflect on (1) their own missional community; (2) the missional situation of that community; (3) specific biblical texts that might inform practices of mission for that community; and (4) practical ways of conceiving of and participating in mission for that community based on engagement with Scripture (15 pages; 50%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #3 and 4]. [30 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets a core requirement in the 80 MAICS Program (Fall 2015).


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.