Fall 2015/Fuller Live!

Houston, Menlo Park, Pasadena



PR525: FOUNDATIONS OF BIBLICAL PREACHING (4 Units: 160 hours). Augusto Rodriguez.

DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to give a general introduction to the theology of Christian preaching and to the art and craft of sermon design and delivery. We will discuss such matters as the nature of preaching, the character and spiritual formation of the preacher, and principles of sermon construction and delivery. It will help the student develop skills in preparing for the task of preaching and for the development of different types of sermons. This course is specifically designed for MA students. It does not require the specific coursework in biblical languages and exegetical method that are prerequisites for the PR500 Homiletics class.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course seeks the following goals for each student: (1) Theoretical knowledge relating to theology of preaching, sermon design, and delivery; (2) Deepened appreciation for the dialogical quality of preaching and the needs of the listener in the preaching process; (3) Capacity to craft a sermon that engages the biblical text, the context of the audience, theological issues, and the hearts and minds of listeners; and (4) Ability to deliver a sermon meaningfully: with clarity, confidence and inspiration.

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets on four Saturdays for eight-hour sessions for a total of 32 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 8 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours. The course has both lecture and practicum components. The practica will consist of small groups of students under the direction of the professor where students will work on developing different parts of the homiletical structure or sermon outline. Students will be required to preach at least one sermon outside the classroom during the course period.

REQUIRED READING: 700 total number of pages required.

Braga, James. Cómo Preparar Mensajes Bíblicos. Editorial Portavoz, 1986. ISBN: 978-0825410727, Pub. Price $12.99 [193 pp.]

Crane, J. El Sermón Eficaz. Editorial Mundo Hispano, Vigesimonovena edición 2014. ISBN: 978-0311420322, Pub. Price $9.50 [74 pp.]

Ferreira, S. Yeury. Predicación de la Teoría a la Práctica. CreateSpace, 2012. ISBN: 978-1481122771, Pub. Price $7.75 [59 pp.]

Spurgeon, Charles. Discurso a mis Estudiantes. Editorial Mundo Hispano, Vigesimotercera edición, 2015. ISBN: 978-0311420063, Pub. Price $12.50 [140 pp.]

Olford, Stephen F. Guía de Predicación Expositiva. B&H Publishing Group, 2005. ISBN: 978-0805440874, Pub. Price $12.99 [134 pp.]

Overdorf, Daniel. Sermones que Transforman Vidas. Editorial Portavoz, 2012. ISBN: 978-0825413728, Pub. Price $10.99 [100 pp.]


Jiménez, Pablo A. y Justo L. González. Manual de Homilética Hispana: Teoría y Práctica desde la Diáspora. Editorial CLIE, 2006. ISBN: 978-8482674841, Pub. Price $9.99 [145 pp.]

Kraft, Charles H. Communication Theory for Christian Witness. Orbis Books, 2000. ISBN: 978-0883447635, Pub. Price $26.00 [180 pp.]

Stott, John R. W. La predicación: Puente entre dos mundos. Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2000. ISBN: 978-1558831186, Pub. Price $18.00 [341 pp.]

Ting-Toomey, Stella and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0199739790, Pub. Price $89.95 [326 pp.]


  1. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory, and grade will be reduced for absences not excused. (20%) [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2] [32 hours].
  2. 700 pages of required reading. Student will sign a reading report according to schedule readings. (20%) [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1, 2, 3] [35 hours].
  3. Submission of a devotional journal according to the format provided in class which should include but no limited to, the biblical text background, outline and personal application, that will be used as material in creating the sermon outlines, which should include daily entries over the period of the quarter. (30%) [This assignment is related to learning outcome #2, 3] [60 hours, including 8 hours of DLAs].
  4. Students will prepare three sermon outlines according the different types of sermons studied in class. (30%) [This assignment is related to learning outcome # 3, 4] [30 hours].
  5. Students will preach one sermon outside of class based on an outline they have developed. The student will provide a video recording for feedback from the instructor and small group. Sermons will be graded for content and presentation. (Pass/Fail) [This assignment is related to learning outcome # 3, 4] (5 hours)

PREREQUISITES: Spanish. At least one course in Biblical Studies recommended.

RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Option to meet the Worship, Preaching, and Communication requirement in the 80 MATM Program (Fall 2015). This course meets the requirements for CO500 and CO503, and it meets the Communication requirement (COMM) in MA Programs. This course will not meet the MIN2 or Homiletics requirement in the MDiv.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.