Spring 2015/Pasadena



PR511: PREACHING PRACTICUM (2 Units: 82 hours). Vadim Dementyev.

DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to offer additional practical experience in sermon preparation and preaching. The class will be limited to nine students. Each student is expected to prepare and present two sermons: one on a text from the OT and the other on a Gospel text. Sermons are to be original work not previously presented for credit in homiletics or other speech and preaching classes. Each sermon will be evaluated and discussed by class members in an informal environment under the direction of the instructor. All sermons will be video-recorded.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Having completed this courses students will be able: (1) to demonstrate their ability to develop and maintain the rhythm of sermon preparation and delivery; (2) to exhibit their skills in framing content in a coherent, compelling, and creative way; (3) to improve their delivery skills; and (4) to gain acuity in evaluating both their own preaching and that of others.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet once a week for two-hour sessions for ten weeks - total of 20 instructional hours of sermon presentation and discussion. Typically the first part of each meeting will be dedicated to two sermon presentations. Discussion of the sermons will take place in the second half of the class, during which the instructor will facilitate exchanging of affirmation, feedback, and friendly suggestions for further growth. PLEASE NOTE: Class attendance is mandatory. If the class is over-subscribed, the first two persons on the waiting list should attend the first class session.

REQUIRED READING: Exegetical reading relating to the texts to be preached upon.


  1. Two sermons preached during the two-week period, with manuscripts, exegetical notes, and indication of the commentaries and other sources consulted submitted in writing. Each sermon, with its accompanying exegetical notes and subsequent self-evaluation, accounts for 45% of the grade (90% total): Sermon Preparation Journal and Exegetical Notes – 15%; Sermon Manuscript with Movement Indications and Handwritten Delivery Markings – 5%; Sermon Delivery – 20%; Self-Evaluation – 5% [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4]. [60 hours].

  2. Personal Preaching Style Assessment – 10% [This assignment is related to learning outcome #4; 2 hours].

  3. Regular, punctual class attendance, preparation for class, and participation in discussions are required, and grades will be lowered for poor participation. Students who miss more than two class meetings will not receive a passing grade [20 hours].


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets the P2 requirement in the 120 MDiv program. Meets the MIN2 requirement in the 144 MDiv Program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.