Fall 2014/Fuller Live!

Houston, Menlo Park, Pasadena



BI500: INTERPRETIVE PRACTICES [Las Prácticas de la Interpretación] (4 Units: 160 hours). Steve Young.

DESCRIPTION: This course, offered in Spanish, introduces interpretive approaches and practices for students of the Bible. Students will consider the aims and assumptions of biblical interpretation, become familiar with major resources for study of the Bible, interpret a variety of biblical texts in both testaments, and reflect upon the manner in which the varied contexts (e.g., social, cultural, theological) of the biblical world and contemporary readers inform interpretation.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students successfully completing this course will have demonstrated (1) the capacity to engage in close study of a variety of passages in the Bible prior to engaging in conversation with various scholarly resources; (2) judicious use of critical tools and resources for the study of biblical texts; (3) critical reflection on the theory of interpretation; (4) practice with interpreting a variety of biblical texts from both testaments, with consideration of the varied contexts of both the biblical materials and contemporary readers; and (5) skill in developing interpretations that engage contemporary concerns, and that encourage and challenge the church to remain faithful to its mission.

COURSE FORMAT: The course meets for four Saturdays for eight-hour sessions for a total of 32 hours of classroom instruction for lecture and discussion plus 8 hours of directed learning activities for a total of 40 instructional hours. Roughly half of class time will be dedicated to lectures and discussion on method, half to hands-on application. A high degree of student participation is expected.

REQUIRED READING: 826 total pages required.

Barton, J., ed. La interpretación bíblica, hoy. Trans. J. P. Tosaus Abadía. Colección Presencia Teológica 113. Santander: Editorial Sal Terrae, 2001. ISBN 9788429314069. Pub. price $36.85. [348 pp.]

Croatto, José Severino. Hermenéutica bíblica: Para una teoría de la lectura como producción de sentido. 3rd ed. Colección En Torno a la Biblia. Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Lumen, 2000. ISBN 9789507244100. Pub. price $29.95 [133 pp.]

Malina, Bruce J. El Mundo del Nuevo Testamento: Perspectivas desde la antropología cultural.Colección Agora 1. Verbo Divino, 1995. ISBN 9788481690477, Pub. price $35 [222 pp.]

A number of articles will also be required, by Samuel Almada [9], Sandro Gallazzi [7], René Krüger [14], Ediberto López [11], Maricel Mena López [8], Néstor Míguez [8], Jorge Pixley [4], Adela Ramos [16], Ivoni Richter Reimer [21], Julio Paulo Tavares Zabatiero [4], María Cristina Ventura [9], and Uwe Wegner [12], available on eReserves. [123 total pp.]


  1. 826 pages of required reading. [55 hours].
  2. Class participation and contributions to ongoing discussion. [This assignment is related to learning outcomes # 1-5.] [32 hours of class time and 8 hours of forum work]
  3. Three interpretive exercises on assigned texts (1,350 words each, or about 2 pages single-spaced) (30%). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes # 1, 4-5.] [27 hours preparation and writing]
  4. A critical book review, 1,200-1,500 words, or 3-4 pages one-and-a-half spaced (30%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome # 3.] [10 hours]
  5. Exegetical/research paper on an assigned NT text (2,500 words, or 7-8 pages one-and-a-half spaced) (40%). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes # 1-5.] [28 hours research and writing]


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets a core requirement in the 120 MDiv Program. Meets the HERM requirement in the 144 MDiv Program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.

For your convenience, order these texts online through the Archives Bookshop.