Winter 2013/Pasadena



NS512: JESUS Y EL REINO DE DIOS [Jesus and the Kingdom of God]. Stephen E. Young.

DESCRIPTION: This course, offered in Spanish, focuses upon the central message of Jesus as presented in the canonical Gospels. Questions such as the view of the reign of God in documents of the Old Testament and the Second Temple Period, the appropriation of Jesus’ proclamation by Paul and other NT and post-NT writers, and the history of scholarship on the meaning of the kingdom of God are considered insofar as they inform our understanding of the latter.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: A thorough understanding of the proclamation of Jesus is essential for developing an approach to ministry that is distinctively Christian.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students completing this course will have demonstrated (1) a fundamental knowledge of the content of Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom of God in the Synoptic Gospels; (2) an acquaintance with the place of that proclamation in the wider NT canon; (3) an understanding of the historical importance of the theme of the kingdom of God in Latin American theology, especially in Liberation Theology and the wholistic gospel movement; (4) an appreciation for the potential of Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom of God for informing a radical ecclesiology and a transforming discipleship.

COURSE FORMAT: Lectures and discussion of the assigned primary and secondary readings. The class meets weekly for three-hour sessions.


Arias, Mortimer. Anunciando el reinado de Dios: Evangelización integral desde la memoria de Jesús. San José: Visión Mundial, 1998. ISBN 9789977965598. $7.00.

González, Antonio. Reinado de Dios e imperio: Ensayo de teología social. Colección “Panorama”. Santander: Editorial Sal Terrae, 2003. ISBN 9788429315004. $45.00

Padilla, C. René. Misión integral: Reflexiones sobre el reino de Dios y la iglesia. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Kairós/Misión Alianza, 2012. ISBN 9789871355464. $14.95


Jeremias, J. Teología del Nuevo Testamento, Vol. 1: La Predicación de Jesús. Traducción de Constantino Ruiz-Garrido. Biblioteca de Estudios Bíblicos 2. Salamanca: Sígueme, 2001.

Ladd, G. E. El evangelio del reino. Miami: Editorial Vida, 1985.

_______. Teología del Nuevo Testamento. Colección Teológica Contemporánea. Traducción de José-María Blanch y Dorcas González Bataller. Barcelona: Clie, 2002.

Ridderbos, Herman N. La Venida del Reino. Teología del Nuevo Testamento. Buenos Aires: Ediciones la Aurora, 1985.


  1. Two interpretive exercises on assigned texts (1,350 words each, or about 2 pages single-spaced; 30%).

  2. A book review on González, Reinado de Dios e imperio (1,200-1,500 words, or 3-4 pages one-and-a-half spaced; 30%).

  3. Final research paper on an assigned topic (1,800 words, or 4-5 pages one-and-a-half spaced; 40%).

PREREQUISITES: Spanish; NS500 or NS501 or NT500.

RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in New Testament Theology (NTT).


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification.