Winter 2012/Pasadena

CN520: CONSEJERÍA PASTORAL [Pastoral Counseling]. Marcel O. Pontón.

DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to provide students with a conceptual and practical overview of mental illness and mental disorders within a pastoral framework. The minister will be able to identify and distinguish between categories of mental disorders so he/she can properly refer the person for specialized care. Issues of crises management, family problems, and developmental changes affecting the families of the congregation are also covered. Practical guidelines and principles of pastoral counseling are offered within a culturally sensitive and meaningful paradigm for the Hispanic church.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: Awareness and identification of mental illness within the context of the church is critical in terms of an adequate pastoral intervention in moments of conflict/crisis. At the end of the course the minister will be able to utilize specific strategies and resources to increase his/her effectiveness in counseling situations.


  1. Students will become familiar with various types of mental disorders.

  2. Students will learn four different types of intervention strategies when dealing with mental disorders.

  3. Students will develop listening skills.

  4. Students will learn to identify their own limitations when it comes to pastoral counseling and will identify resources within the community with whom they can work together.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet once a week for three-hour sessions, using the following format: two hours of formal lectures; one hour dealing with real life situations faced by students in their church settings, including case presentations, case discussions, and role playing in class. Invited guests will present on topics of their expertise and conduct laboratory sessions.

Beattie, M. Libérate de la codependencia. Madrid: Sirio, 2003 [ISBN: 8478082336; $16].

Cortés, F., R. Crane, V. Rodríguez, y J. Sorbazo. Psicología: Conceptos psicológicos prácticos para el obrero cristiano. Miami: Editorial Unilit, 2002 [ISBN: 0789910381; $15.99].

Collins, G., con S. Mijangos. Consejería cristiana efectiva. Miami: Editorial Portavoz, 1992 [ISBN: 978-0825411267; $10.99].

Langbert, D. Mandt. En el umbral de la esperanza: Una puerta abierta hacia la sanidad de los sobrevivientes de abusos sexuales. Miami: Editorial Unilit, 2005 [ISBN: 078991123X; $9.99].

Maldonado, J. Crisis, perdidas y consolación en la familia. Grand Rapids: Libros Desafío, 2002 [ISBN: 978-1558831322; $12.60].

Stamateas, B. Aconsejamiento pastoral. Curso de Formación Ministerial: Consejería. Barcelona: CLIE, 2008 [ISBN: 8476458290; $9.59].

Woolis, R. Cuando un ser querido sufre una enfermedad mental: Un manual para familiares, amigos y cuidadores. iUniverse, 2010 [ISBN: 1450219454; $22.95].

Gonçalves, O. F. Psicoterapia cognitiva narrativa: Biblioteca de psicología Desclée de Brouwer. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 2008 [ISBN: 8433016725; $16.44].

Wright, N. Como aconsejar en situaciones de crisis. Barcelona: Libros CLIE, 2008 [ISBN: 8476454473; $11.63].

  1. Each student will submit 1 reading report each week (45%).

  2. Each student will present 2 interviews in class (25%).

  3. Each student will develop a resource book on community services that addresses each of the conflict issues identified in class (30%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Pastoral Counseling (MIN 5).

This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (Novewmber 2011)