Summer 2011/Pasadena
Five-week Intensive: July 25-August 26

PR521: PREDICANDO EN UN CONTEXTO MULTICULTURAL [Preaching in a Multicultural Context].
Jorge Sánchez.

DESCRIPTION: To become an excellent preacher of the Christian faith requires knowledge and years of practice. Building upon the foundation established in PR500, this four-unit seminar seeks to establish, develop, and perfect the method of communication that was learned in the previous class. In addition, through the required readings and lectures the course will strive to help the students to strengthen their spiritual life and ministry practice.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: Preachers from Latino churches need to communicate in cross-cultural and multi-cultural settings. Learning from preaching in other cultural contexts broadens the communications skills of the preacher both within and beyond the Latino community.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The practicum seeks the following goals for each student:

Cognitive: Understanding of the challenges faced in preaching in a cross-cultural or multi-cultural setting.

Affective: Developing an appreciation for preaching techniques from several cultural settings.

Skills: Communication tools for crossing cultural borders in preaching and for evaluating their own preaching experiences in cross-cultural and multi-cultural settings.

COURSE FORMAT: The seminar will meet in a five-week intensive format, for four-hour sessions twice weekly. The focus will be on the presentation of sermons before the class and receiving group feedback. Small blocks of evaluation and instruction will also be included.

Criswell, W. A. El Pastor y su ministerio: Una guía práctica. Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, 1998. ISBN: 0311421024. Publisher Price: $ 14.99.

Packer, James I. El conocimiento del Dios Santo. Editorial Vida, 2006. ISBN: 0829745106. Publisher Price: $ 12.99.

Spurgeon, Charles H. Discursos a mis estudiantes. Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, 2003. ISBN: 0311420060. Publisher Price: $ 14.99.

Tozer, Aiden Wilson. La búsqueda de Dios. Christian Publications, 1995. ISBN: 0875099238. Publisher Price $12.99.

LaRue, Cleophus. The Heart of Black Preaching. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2000. ISBN: 0-664-25847-6. Publisher Price: $21.00.

Nieman, James, and Thomas Rogers. Preaching to Every Pew. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2001. ISBN: 0-8006-3243-5. Publisher Price: $18.00.

  1. Preparation and preaching of five sermons, including self-evaluation of videotape (50%).

  2. Reading of all assigned texts and 100 pp. from recommended reading (20%).

  3. Analysis of two sermons by non-Latino preachers (10%).

  4. Analysis of five sermons by fellow students (20%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Preaching and Communication (MIN2).

This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (April 2011)