Winter 2011/Pasadena


DESCRIPTION: This is a course on Christian Education/Formation, including biblical, theological, and practical foundations, and designed for Asian American churches. The focus is on creating a learning community in which the whole people of God, laity and clergy, are formed to participate in God's love for the world. Many aspects of a church's life and activities (worship, small groups, story telling, education, spiritual disciplines, leadership) will be viewed regarding their role in forming and equipping the congregation toward gospel faithfulness, drawing upon both theological and social science resources. Topics include the relationship between personal and communal formation, Asian American theological formation, intergenerational and intercultural life issues, spirituality for leadership in Asian American churches, cultural competency in evaluating Christian Education, and Christian spiritual formation in the context of Christian Education in the Asian American churches' missional engagement and goals.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: The conceptual work in theology, socio-cultural studies, and education, with on-the-ground research, provide resources for a praxis-theory-praxis approach for churches to shape members toward faithfulness and mission.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Cognitive: understanding conceptual matters related to the praxis of Christian formation in the context of a learning community; Skills: abilities to do theological reflection on contextualized spiritual formation toward a praxis approach to transformational ministry and leadership development in the Asian American Contexts; abilities to understand how theological and social science resources contribute to the making of disciples and congregations; abilities to discern, experiment, and evaluation processes and resources for a learning community in a specific context; Affective: commitment to foster personal and communal formation in one's self and others; vision for and commitment to forming an on-going learning community that engage their local setting and the world in transformational mission.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet weekly for three-hour sessions; class will not meet January 19, but will meet March 14 during exam week. Class will include lectures, individual and group exercises, reflective discussions of materials and experiences, assigned field trips, essays, and training in demographic.


Everist, Norma Cook. The Church as Learning Community. Abingdon, 2002. ISBN: 978-0687045006; $34.

Pak, Su Yon et al. Singing the Lord's Song in a New Land. Westminster/John Knox, 2005. ISBN: 978-0664228781; $30.

Roxburgh, Alan. Missional Map-making: Skills for leading in times of transition. Jossey-Bass, 2010. ISBN: 978-0470486726; $25.

Westerhoff, John H. Will Our Children Have Faith? Rev. ed. Morehouse. 2000. ISBN: 978-0819218360; $18.

Boren, M. Scott. Missional Small Groups: Becoming a Community That Makes a Difference in the World. Allelon, 2010. ISBN: 978-0801072307; $17.

Additional reading on Moodle.

ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENT: (1) Attend class (10%). (2) Read texts and articles according to schedule (10%). (3) In-class exam on readings (15%). (4) Write three 400-word reflection papers (15%). (5) Group research/report on community/neighborhood (10%). (6) Write a final essay that connects class readings/presentations with the work of a church/organization (40%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Christian Formation and Discipleship (MIN 4).

FINAL EXAMINATION: No. However class does meet on March 14 during exam week.

This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (revised November 9, 2010)