Fall 2010/Pasadena

NS501: NUEVO TESTAMENTO 2: HECHOS-APOCALIPSIS [New Testament 2: Acts-Revelation].
Stephen E. Young.

DESCRIPTION: This course, taught in Spanish, introduces the study of the book of Acts, the letters of the New Testament, and the book of Revelation. Emphasis is placed on the theology of each of these documents, giving attention to what unifies them as well as to what makes each of them unique. Questions such as the authorship, occasion, genre, and structure of each document are considered insofar as they inform the interpretation of its contents. Paul's life and thought are given special attention due to his prominence in this portion of the New Testament.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: An understanding of these documents is foundational for developing a biblically informed theology that equips one for preaching and teaching, for thinking carefully and creatively about Christian faith in today's world, and for faithful Christian discipleship.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students completing this course will have demonstrated (1) a fundamental knowledge of the contents of Acts, the NT letters, and Revelation; (2) an appreciation for the unity and diversity that characterizes the witness of these documents to Jesus Christ; (3) an understanding of the implications of literary genre for how one is to read and interpret these documents; (4) an acquaintance with some of the historical, cultural, religious, and other factors that shaped the growth and development of the early church, the various issues it confronted, and the impact of all this upon its theology.

COURSE FORMAT: Lectures and discussion of the assigned primary and secondary readings; student participation is expected. The class meets weekly for three-and-a-half-hour sessions.


Acts - Revelation in a Spanish Bible.

Brown, R. E. Introducción al Nuevo Testamento. 2 vols. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2002. ISBN 9788481645378. Retail $76.00.
Stambaugh, J. E. and D. L. Balch. El nuevo testamento en su entorno social. Trans. B. Avalos Cadena. Colección Cristianismo y Sociedad 30. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 1993. ISBN 9788433009821. Retail $15.75.
Thielman, Frank. Teología del Nuevo Testamento: Síntesis del canon del Nuevo Testamento. Miami: Editorial Vida, 2006. ISBN 9780829745962. Retail $24.99.

Wright, N. T. El Verdadero pensamiento de Pablo. Barcelona: Editorial Clie, 2002. ISBN 9788482673158. Retail $14.99.

Aune, David A. El Nuevo Testamento en su entorno literario. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer, 1993. ISBN 9788433010001. Retail $24.00.

Ladd, G. E. Teología del Nuevo Testamento. Barcelona: Editorial Clie, 2002. ISBN 9788482673349. Retail $24.99.

ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENT: (1) Journal based on assigned reading for each session, submitted weekly (10%). (2) Research paper (8-10 pages) on an assigned topic of Pauline theology (35%). (3) A critical review of either or Stambaugh and Balch, NT en su entorno social, or Wright, Verdadero pensamiento de Pablo (4-5 pages) (25% of final grade). (4) Final exam (30%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in New Testament 2 (NT2); meets MAT (2010) program requirement.


This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (Revised August 9, 2010)