Winter 2010/Rancho Cucamonga
Three-Weekend Course

[The Latino Protestant Church--Challenges for the Future]. Juan Martínez.

DESCRIPTION: An analysis of the current challenges facing Latino Protestant churches in the United States and a framework for looking at the issues that they will need to address in the future. The course provides a description of the principal challenges, some of the ways that churches have responded in the past, the assets Latinos have to address the challenges, and an outline for framing the Latino church's mission in the future.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: As objectives for the course, students will (1) understand the principal challenges faced by Latino Protestant churches in the United States today; (2) analyze the principal church models that are being used to minister in the Latino/a community; (3) evaluate their own perspectives related to Latino Protestant churches in the United States; and (4) develop plans for new models of church and ministry within the Latino community.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Leaders within Latino Protestant churches need to analyze the issues they specifically confront and a framework for addressing these issues from a missiological perspective.

COURSE FORMAT: The course will be taught during three weekends (Thursday/Friday), January 21, 22, February 18, 19, and March 4, 5. It will consist of lectures, discussions, and participatory activities. The class will also visit Latino churches in the area.


González, Juan. Harvest of Empire. Viking, 2000. (368 pp.)

González, Justo, Teología liberadora. Kairós, 2006. (279 pp.)

Martínez, Juan. Caminando entre el pueblo: Ministerio latino en los Estados Unidos. Abingdon, 2008. (144 pp.)

Martínez, Juan, and Scott, Luis, eds. Iglesias peregrinas en busca de identidad. Kairós, 2004. (269 pp.)

Carroll, Daniel. Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible. Baker, 2008.

García-Johnson, Oscar. The Mestizo/a Community of the Spirit: A Postmodern Latino/a Ecclesiology. Pickwick, 2008.

Maldonado, Jorge, and Martínez, Juan, eds. Vivir y servir en el exilio Lecturas teológicas de la experiencia latina en los Estados Unidos. Kairós, 2008.

Martínez, Juan. Sea la Luz The Making of Mexican Protestantism in the American Southwest, 1829-1900. University of North Texas Press, 2006.

Sánchez-Walsh, Arlene. Latino Pentecostal Identity. Colombia University Press, 2003.

Stavans, Ivan. La condición hispánica. Tierra Firme, 1999.

  1. Read before first class session: Harvest of Empire [or La condición hispánica] and turn in a 1-2 page reflection paper (10%).

  2. Class attendance and response to reading and class assignments (35%).

  3. Read 250 pages from recommended reading or the class bibliography and turn in a reading report (10%).

  4. Write a two-page description of a Latino church or ministry model different than the one the student participates in (10%).

  5. Analyze one of the challenges the Latino community is facing and develop a plan for how the Latino church can respond (8-10 pages) (35%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets Hispanic Church Studies concentration.


This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (11/09)