Fall 2009/Rancho Cucamonga

NS500: NUEVO TESTAMENTO 1: LOS EVANGELIOS [New Testament 1: Gospels]. Stephen E. Young.

DESCRIPTION: This course, taught in Spanish, constitutes an introduction to the nature, structure, and message of the New Testament Gospels in their historical, literary, and canonical contexts. Students will be introduced to methods that are particularly profitable for study of the Gospels. Special consideration will be given to the nature and relevance of the Gospels' witness to the life of Jesus of Nazareth.

SIGNIFICANCE FOR LIFE AND MINISTRY: The Gospel narratives contain the foundational building blocks of our Christian faith. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth are what give relevance to our ministry; without them we have nothing. An understanding of the Gospels is thus indispensable not only in teaching and preaching, but in developing a biblically informed theology that equips us for everyday Christian living.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Having successfully completed this course, students should be able to (1) articulate the character of the Gospels as witnesses to Jesus Christ; (2) demonstrate familiarity with the historical background, content, structure, and message of each of the New Testament Gospels; (3) demonstrate developing skill in the interpretation of the Gospels as appropriate for effective leadership in Christian communities; and (4) apply Jesus' proclamation to Christian life in community today.

COURSE FORMAT: The course will consist of a combination of lectures and hands-on application of methods for studying the Gospels. Discussion and active participation of students will be expected. The course will meet Thursdays and Fridays, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., October 15 and 16, November 12 and 13, and December 3 and 4, 2009.


Text of the four Gospels in Spanish (roughly 90 to 180 pp., depending on the translation).

Aguirre Monasterio, R. y A. Rodríguez Carmona. Evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los Apóstoles. IEB 6. Estella (Navarra): Verbo Divino, 1992.

Cervantes Gabarrón, J. Sinopsis Bilingüe de los Tres Primeros Evangelios con los Paralelos del Evangelio de Juan. Estella, Navarra (Spain): Verbo Divino, 1999 (as assigned).

González, A. El evangelio de la paz y el reinado de Dios. FTL 28. Buenos Aires: Kairós, 2008. (215 pp.)

Brown, R. E. Introducción al Nuevo Testamento. 2 vols. Madrid: Trotta, 2002 (510 pp.).

Ladd, G. E. Teología del Nuevo Testamento. CTC. Barcelona: Clie, 2002.

Malina, B. J. y R. L. Rohrbaugh. Los Evangelios Sinópticos y la Cultura Mediterránea del Siglo I: Comentario desde las Ciencias Sociales. Estella (Navarra): Verbo Divino, 1996.

Weren, Wim. Métodos de Exégesis de los Evangelios. IEB 12. Estella (Navarra): Verbo Divino, 2003.

ASSIGNMENTS AND ASSESSMENT: A 3-5 page book review (15%); an exegetical assignment (15%); a 10-12 page research paper on an assigned topic (35%); and a take-home final exam (35%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in New Testament 1 (NT1).


This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. (8/09)