Summer 2007/Pasadena
Two-week Intensive: July 16-27

NS531: TEOLOGÍA PAULINA [Pauline Theology]. Fernando Mendez-Moratalla.

DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the student to major issues of Pauline theology. Attention will be paid to Paul's life, thought and mission, which will allow a reconstruction of and reflection on central Pauline theological concerns such as Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students attending this class will (1) be able to see more clearly the nature of the Bible as both human word and holy Scripture; (3) be better able to understand the social and historical situations behind the Pauline writings; (3) become more familiar with the theological emphasis of Pauline thinking and writings; (4) develop the ability and the skills to interpret the Bible for both teaching and preaching today.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Both our theology and ministry are founded on biblical grounds. Thus, the student must be able to understand basic issues in Paul's theology and to reflect on them in order to make them relevant for our present day. Reflecting on how Paul's ministry grows out of his thought will help the student in the process of bringing biblical and theological thought to bear on ministry.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet daily for two weeks for four-hour sessions of lecture and discussion.


Arens, E. Asia Menor en tiempos de Pablo, Lucas y Juan: Aspectos sociales y económicos para la comprensión del Nuevo Testamento. Córdoba: El Almendro, 1995.

Bruce, F. F. Pablo, Apóstol del corazón liberado. Gran Canaria: Editorial Mundo Bíblico, 2004.

Wright, N.T. El verdadero pensamiento de Pablo: Ensayo sobre la teología Paulina. Tarrasa, Barcelona: CLIE, 2002.

Socio-Historical Context:
MacDonald, M. Y. Las comunidades paulinas: Estudio socio-histórico de la institucionalización en los escritos paulinos y deuteropaulinos. Sígueme, 1994.

Meeks, W. A. Los primeros cristianos urbanos: El mundo social del apóstol Pablo. Sígueme, 1988.
Becker, J. Pablo, el apóstol de los paganos. Sígueme, 1996.

Bornkamm, G. Pablo de Tarso. Sígueme, 1979.

Gnilka, J. Pablo de Tarso: Apóstol y testigo. Barcelona: Herder, 1998.

Sánchez Bosch, J. Nacido a tiempo: Una vida de Pablo, el apóstol. Estella: Verbo Divino, 1994.
Pauline Theology:
Barbaglio, G. La Teología de San Pablo. Salamanca: Secretariado Trinitario, 2005.

Eichholz, G. El evangelio de Pablo: Esbozo de la teología paulina. Sígueme, 1977.

Fitzmyer, J.A. Teología de san Pablo. Madrid: Cristiandad, 1975.

Kuss, O. San Pablo: La aportación del apóstol a la teología de la iglesia primitiva. Herder, 1975.

Ridderbos, H. El Pensamiento del Apóstol Pablo. Grand Rapids: Desafío, 2005.

Trilling, W. Conversaciones con Pablo: Un recorrido original por la obra del Apóstol. Herder, 1985.

ASSIGNMENTS: (1) A 10-12 page research paper on one of the Pauline topics, including a reflection on its significance for contemporary theology and/or ministry (50%). (2) A 3-page review (summary plus key issues) of Arens' Asia Menor en tiempos de Pablo, Lucas y Juan (15%). (3) A 3-page review (summary plus key issues) of Barbaglio's Pablo de Tarso y los orígenes cristianos (15%). (4) A 1-page summary for each of the ten chapters of Wright's El verdadero pensamiento de Pablo. Each summary will attend to two main criteria: a) short summary of the chapter; b) central issues at stake. Each of the ten class days the group will discuss the chapter assigned for that day (20%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in New Testament Theology (NTT).