Spring 2007/Pasadena

OT506: EXEGESIS DEL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO: AMOS [OT Exegesis: Amos]. Benjamín Galán.

DESCRIPTION: This course, taught in Spanish, will focus on the Hebrew text of the book of Amos. We will study the historical, social and cultural background of the book. We will analyze the forms and function of the prophetic oracles within the literary and theological context of the minor prophets. To this end, we will apply different exegetical methods.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course will enable students to (1) hone their knowledge of basic Hebrew; (2) understand the exegetical process for interpreting OT texts; (3) read the text of Amos as Scripture and literature; (4) become acquainted with the possible historical, social and cultural background of the book and the larger prophetic corpus and background; (5) read this section of the Scriptures from distinctive Latino(a) perspectives; (6) continue to improve their use of the Bible in ministry.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: The "art" of biblical interpretation is fundamental for sound preaching and teaching in ecclesiastical and educational settings. Careful attention to the message of the prophets, in particular that of the prophet Amos, impacts one's life and ministry in ways unique to them. In addition, understanding the message of the prophets will enhance the students' ability to exegete and discern today's context prophetically.

COURSE FORMAT: This course will meet twice weekly for two-hour sessions. Sessions will involve prepared exegetical translations, discussions and lectures.


Abrego de Lacy, J. M. Los libros proféticos. IEB 4. Estella: Editorial Verbo Divino, 2003.

Botta, Alejandro F. Los doce profetas menores. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006.

Elliger, Karl and Wilhelm Rudolph, eds. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1990.

Padilla, Washington. Amos y Abdías. CBH. Miami: Editorial Caribe, 1993.

Sicre, José L. Con los pobres de la tierra: La justicia social en los profetas de Israel. Madrid: Ediciones Cristiandad, 1984.

Weems, Renita J. Amor maltratado. Matrimonio, sexo y violencia en los profetas hebreos. Bilbao: Editorial Desclée De Brouwer, 1997.
See the Biblical Division bibliography "Linguistic and Exegetical Books Required in the Master of Divinity Program" available in the SOT Academic Advising office.

Andersen, F. I., and D. N. Freedman. Amos.. AB 24A. Doubleday, 1989.

Matthews, V. Social World of the Hebrew Prophets. Hendrickson, 2001.

Paul, S. A. Commentary on the Book of Amos. Hermeneia 27. Fortress, 1991.

Sweeney, M. A. The Twelve Prophets. Vol. 1. Liturgical Press, 2000.

Wolff, H. W. Joel and Amos. Hermeneia 24. Trans. W. Janzen et al. Fortress, 1977.

  1. Students are expected to be present at all class sessions.

  2. Before each class session students should have (a) completed all assigned readings, (b) translated the biblical passages to be exegeted, (c) prepared an exegetical handout that reflects their linguistic and rhetorical analysis of the texts (30%).

  3. Exegetical paper on a specific Hebrew text including a one-page ministry application (10-12 double-spaced pages plus translation and sermon outline) (40%).

  4. Midterm (30%).

PREREQUISITES: LG502 or equivalent. Spanish.

RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in Old Testament "c" (OTCE).

FINAL EXAMINATION: No. We will meet on week 11 for class instead.