Spring 2007/Pasadena

Cornelis Kors.

DESCRIPTION: The course is designed to give students preparing for ordination in the Reformed Church in America (RCA) a knowledge of the polity and governmental practices of the RCA; an understanding of leadership in the reformed tradition; and skills in church administration. The course will prepare students for leadership in the local congregation and provide the information to successfully complete the class's examination in governance and The Book of Church Order.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: There are four objectives for the course in RCA Polity and Administrative Leadership. First, students will gain an increased appreciation of the polity of the RCA. Second, students will be introduced to the common dilemmas of pastoral ministry and as a result be able to conduct their own ministries in accordance with RCA policies and procedures. Third, students completing this course will gain understanding and management tools for dealing with leadership challenges of ministry. Fourth, students upon completion of this course will be able to pass their ordination exam in RCA polity.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: All ministers in the RCA are expected to have a working knowledge of the governance of the denomination in order to administer effectively in the local church and within the structures of the RCA.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet twice a week for two-hour sessions. The course will include lectures, case studies, and discussion. As appropriate, denominational executives will be invited to participate in the class. Major denominational issues, as presented in The Church Herald and The Minutes of the General Synod will be dealt with.


Berkley, James D. Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration. Baker, 1994.

The Book of Church Order. Reformed Church in America, latest edition.

DePree, Max. Called to Serve. Eerdmans, 2001.

Janssen, Allan J. Constitutional Theology. Eerdmans, 2000.

Meeter, Daniel. Meeting Each Other. Eerdmans, 1993.

Robert's Rules of Order. Current edition.

ASSIGNMENTS: Regular reading assignments in The Book of Church Order, Minutes of the General Synod, and related materials, with book reports (20% of final grade). Case studies will be utilized for written responses and class discussion (30%), a Church Administration Project (30%) will be due at the end of the quarter, and there will be a take-home written final examination (20%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets the MDiv core requirement in Pastoral Ministry and Theology (MIN 6), and meets the RCA Certificate of Fitness requirement.

FINAL EXAMINATION: Take-home written examination.