Fall 2006/Pasadena

GM509: LAS BASES DEL MINISTERIO (Foundations for Ministry). Juan F. Martínez G.

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this course is to identify and develop the central themes related to the practice of ministry, particularly in the case of experienced pastors within the Latino North American context. The principal objective is to help the students refocus their calling according to a mature perspective on ministry.


  1. develop a deepened and renewed understanding of the nature of ministry to help the student to rediscover his or her personal dimension of ministry;

  2. reflect on what it means to minister in the name of God;

  3. build a new vision and motivation for ministry;

  4. clarify strengths and weaknesses in one's practice of ministry to help him or her be more effective;

  5. develop a deepened and renewed relationship with God as the foundation for his or her ministry.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Students that have been in ministry for a while need to take time to reflect on their call, on their self-understanding and its relationship to effective ministry, and on spiritual formation as the foundation for ministry.

COURSE FORMAT: The class will meet in two-hour sessions twice a week. The course will be developed through presentations by the professor, research projects, group activities in class, small groups, extensive readings, class discussions, and personal interviews.

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Vida en comunidad. Ediciones Sígueme, 1985.

Clinton, Robert. La hechura de un líder. (Private translation available in Bookstore).

Nouwen, Henri, J. M. The Living Reminder Service and Prayer in Memory of Jesus Christ. Harper, 1990.

Ortiz, Manuel. The Hispanic Challenge. InterVarsity Press, 1993.

Castro, Emilio, ed., Pastores del pueblo de Dios en América Latina. Editorial la Aurora, 1973.

Floristán, Casiano. Teología práctica. Ediciones Sígueme, 1998.

McDonald, Gordon. Ponga orden su mundo interior. Editorial Caribe, s.f.

  1. Regular attendance and participation in all aspects of the course (15%).

  2. Reflection paper: The Meaning of the Call to Ministry Today (5 pages minimum) (15%).

  3. Reflection papers on two of the books in the bibliography (3 pages each) (15%).

  4. Paper: Reflection on the personal life of the minister (5 pages) (15%).

  5. Participate in a small group and report on the experience (3-5 pages) (40%).

PREREQUISITES: Five years of pastoral ministry; Spanish.

RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv core requirement in General Ministry and Spirituality (MIN 1).